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Camila's POV
Zach, Jonah and I walked out of the hospital.
I wasn't feeling the best, but Jonah brought me a cool outfit.

Honestly, I thought he would bring me something that would cover up my whole body, but I like his style

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Honestly, I thought he would bring me something that would cover up my whole body, but I like his style.
When we got in the car me and Zach had a fight about who gets to sit in the front.
And like usual, Jonah made us both sit in the back.
"I'm so glad you're alright!" Zach said, hugging me
"Zach, I'll always be alright."
And we both pinky swore.

Two months later...
"Camila! Can you get in here!"Jonah yelled from downstairs
He actually sounded mad
I quickly jogged downstairs
"What's up?"
I looked at his screen, Jake Paul was sitting right next to the worst person in the world.
The girl who used to bully me.
"Why is she with Jake?" I asked, scared
"Why would you say those things to her?!" Jonah yelled
"I didn't do anything!" I yelled back
He played the clip
It was some girl who sounded like me saying 'stay away from the boys, they're mine. And you're wayy to ugly they'll never love you' And she was insulting Lola (my bully)
"You guys don't actually think that's me do you?" I said, my voice cracking
"How could you Camila?" Zach spat
"I thought you were better than this." Daniel hissed
"And to think that I actually liked you. Turns out there are no nice girls in LA." Madison stared at me disgustedly
"Not cool, Camila." Corbyn said
I looked at Jack, he just put his head down.
"Man to think, those who I thought were family would betray me like this." I ran upstairs, tears streaming from my eyes
I looked on my Instagram, checked my Snapchat, took a peek at Twitter.
Everything was filled with hate.
I looked at the number one trending hashtag
I got a call from Logan
"Hello?" I sniffled
"Camila! I'm so sorry about Jake!" Logan apologized
"Logan, he ruined my life! He turned my brother, and my best friends against me, and worst of all, that 'victim' was my bully from back home!" I cried
"Here, come stay with me."
So I packed my bags, and went to Logan's house.
I knocked twice on his apartment door, and before I could say anything, he engulfed me in a giant hug. I mumbled into his chest;
"Thank you."
Logan showed me my room in his giant mansion. While the boys blew up my phone.
Once I unpacked my small backpack, I walked downstairs.
"Hey Logan, do you know why the boys are blowing up my phone like they care about me?"
"I told them your side of the story."
And for the second time that day, I thanked Logan.
I looked at my phone.
Camila please come home
Camila I'm SO sorry! Please answer me!
Babe I'm stupid. I should've trusted you over some random video, please come home
Baby I should've listened just please answer one of us
I know you probably want space, but I want you to know I love you
Camila, you should already know I love you with all my heart. And I know I wasn't showing it then, but please stay safe❤️

I looked at Logan.
"They told me to stay safe."
"I'll keep you safe."

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