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Corbyn's POV
After a little bit of talking we both walked downstairs. I see Camila on the couch with her guitar just strumming out.
"Hey." She said looking up smiling
"Uhm, hi." Luna said in a bitch tone
I stood back
"Who are you?"
"Why are you here?" She spat
"I could be asking you the same question." Camila said looking back at her guitar and readjusting her fingers
"Answer me!" Luna said, getting loud
"I'm good." Camila said strumming a G chord
Now Luna was fuming. I looked at Camila and she was simply unfazed.
Jack walked in and saw Luna.
"Who's this?" He mouthed
"A girl." I mouthed back
I saw Jack roll his eyes. He quickly sat down in the arm chair.
"Okay, Incase I didn't make myself clear. You are to stay away from Corbyn, you hear me, bitch?!" Luna practically yelled at Camila
I didn't know what to do. Camila gave me a disapproving look, and with her guitar, walked away. Jack gave me the same look and followed her. Luna gave me a flirty smile.
Camila's POV
I walked outside and sat on a rock. I felt the boiling surface touch my skin. Jack came out and tried sitting on the rock, but bounced off yelping from the pain. I laughed at him, but then sat on the ground with him.
"So, how do you feel about Luna?" I asked him
"Well She was rude to you, so I hate her."
"No, don't make your entire opinion about her based off of how she is to me." I said smiling while looking in his eyes
"Plus If Corbyn's friends with her, then she must be nice." I smiled reassuringly
Jack's POV
My heart just actually melted. I feel like I can hear it sloshing around in my chest.
"Yes Jack."
"How would you feel if Corbyn got a girlfriend?"
"I would be a little annoyed because he would've leaded me on. But mainly I would be happy for him." She said still not breaking eye contact with me
Leaded her on?
"How would you feel if I got a girlfriend?"
"I would feel like, she would have to be the perfect girl. Your dream girl. She would have to be caring, and smart, and everything you could have wished for. Because all I want is for you to be happy." She gushed looking away, blushing a bit
"Yes Jack."
"I really like you, but we can't be together."
She looked up and smiled at me
"I do too."

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