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Camila's POV
"So this is it, huh." I said, looking at the boys
I felt Jonah's eyes burn into the side of my face.
I called Logan
"Camila! What's up?"
"I'm leaving LA...." I sighed
"Jonah's kicking me out.."
and before I knew it I was at Logan's house, moving in with him.
"Are you sure Evan's cool with this?" I asked, carrying my suitcase to my new room
"I'm 300% sure."
Then I saw Maverick flying around
"Hey Maverick!"
The bright colored bird came down and landed on my shoulder.
I started stroking its back.
"Yo, Maverick's supposed to be my best friend, not yours!" Logan joked
I laughed
I saw Lydia.
"Hey Lydia!"
"Camila! I heard what happened I'm so sorry! And we can talk about it later, but I still have to plan Logan's trip to Japan."
"Yeah, it's cool."
Logan and I unpacked all my stuff, in my new, huge room. We even got some decorations, and the end of the day, it looked like this:

 We even got some decorations, and the end of the day, it looked like this:

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"Dude, this is killer." I said, looking around the room
"Yeah, I'm surprised how well it turned out."
I stuck my hand up and we high-fived.
"You wanna vlog?"
"Hells yeah!"
So in this vlog Logan made a zip line for Kong, I found this out the hard way, because when I walked outside I saw Kong soaring through the air.
"Logan Alexander Paul! What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled at him, who was on the balcony watching proudly
"It's a zipline!"
"I'm aware of that! But why is Kong on the zipline?"
"Because it's for him!"
I facepalmed.
After that me, Logan, and Brenden kinda just chilled. We were talking and laughing, and Logan was just flat out being weird.
Once the vlog was posted, I started to look at the comments. Of course there were hate comments here and there, but the Logang were super cool.
And then I got a text from Jonah.
You look happy
I am because at least Logan didn't kick me out

No response. I did miss the boys though...

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