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Zach's POV
I saw Camila on the top of the stairs looking completely lifeless. She quickly turned on her heels and walked to her room. We all glared at Corbyn. Jonah wasn't even looking he was running up to his little sister. Next came Daniel, then I went, then Jack came up.

Camila's POV
I stood there for a few moments looking Corbyn dead in the eye. Looking, waiting for him to say something tell me that something came over him, that he didn't know why he just said that. But nothing was said. Nothing was done. I felt as if Corbyn just stabbed me in the heart. I went to my room sat on my bed and looked at the wall. I had known this boy for around a week. And he just broke my heart. I felt a dent on the left side of the bed. I knew it would be Jonah. Then another when my right side.
"Camila?" Daniel asked

Daniel's POV
"Yes." Her voice was completely flat. Not a hint of emotion
I looked at her. Her eyes were completely grey. And she just seemed a little bit paler. She looked straight ahead, and didn't move the slightest bit.
I put my arm around her shoulder. She sighed and put her head on my shoulder.

Jonah's POV
I saw what Daniel did. He isn't THAT slick. But I know Daniel will treat her right. Unlike Corbyn. How could he do that?

Jack's POV
"I was just using Camila to numb the pain."
What? Wait hold on, what?! But before anyone could react to anything I heard a loud crack and then a tumble. We all looked over to the stairs and saw a dead- faced Camila standing there. As if it was a reflex, Jonah jumped up and chased after her in 2.5 seconds.
Then Daniel left.
Then Zach.
I went over to Camila's phone and picked it up. The screen was shattered. I looked through the cracks and saw one text message:
"Just do it! Ask him out."
No, no, no! Just like I predicted Corbyn led her on, and she fell for it! Why would she do it? How could she fall for him? I ran upstairs and saw everyone with Camila. I handed her her phone

Camila's POV
I'm really a stupid person aren't I? A very stupid person. Like why would I do this to myself? How could I do this to myself? It hasn't even been a week, it's legit been 5 days.
"Camila?" Jonah asked
"Are you okay?"
I looked over at him. Look what I was doing to him, his eyes looked darker, he had no smile, just pure guilt.
"Why do you look so guilty?" I chuckled
"I just think it's my fault this happened."
Wait, what? Everyone looked at Jonah
I needed to be strong.
I bounced up.
"What happened? Nothing happened." I smiled
"Jonah, you're being such a goof ball. You need something fun, let's go to the skate park!" I said putting on my shoes

Daniel's POV
How. How is it physically possible to put away all your emotions for one person? How can she just smile, when she's not okay?

Camila's POV
Screw it, we're going skating.
"Jonah, Jack, Zach, Daniel, come on!" I said rushing downstairs grabbing my skateboard
"Coming!" Zach said grabbing his board
Once everyone came downstairs I saw Corbyn sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. Did I mention I'm stupid?
"Hey Corbyn, do you want to go skating? You look like you need it."
He looked surprised. Like, really surprised. And then he smiled, he smiled a pure joy smile.
"Sure, let me grab my board." And with that he ran upstairs
Once Corbyn was upstairs all the boys ran over to me.
"Why would you do that?" Jonah asked
"Do you not realize what he did?" Jack questioned
"Camila, he didn't even apologize." Daniel said calmly
"Are you sure your okay with this?" Zach asked
"Ok then..." Daniel said looking down

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