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Jack's POV
Then and there, she broke down.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tight.
"Tell me what happened, from the start." I whispered into her head

Zach's POV
I was lowkey annoyed that Camila ditched me. And stole my mans! (<—- Jk) but in all seriousness all the guys were just standing there looking at each other like a bunch of penguins. It was kinda sad. I ran up to Jonah.
"Come on man!" I said grabbing his arm
"You too Daniel!" Jonah said grabbing his arm
"I see we're making a chain." Daniel said grabbing Corbyn's arm.
For a solid 30 minutes we chilled out skated a bit and just had some fun. Then, in our groupchat we got some notifications
Why Don't We
Jack 🍜 added Camila😋
Jack 🍜: Camila wasn't feeling good so we headed home
Camila😋: I feel fine Jack.
Jack🍜: you have a fever of 101!
Camila😋: so?
Jonah🧓🏼: Jack take care of her.

Daniel 🎤: my god Camila.

Camila's POV
So turns out I wasn't sick, I just wanted some gossip time with Jack. Don't freaking judge me.
"Let's go up to my room." Jack said
We both walked upstairs into Jack's room and sat on the bed.
"So, let me start from the beginning."
"First when I got to the airport and I was laughing with Daniel, the paparazzi tweeted a photo of that to my boyfriend who then dumped me."
"Oof." Jack said
"I know right? Then, I met Corbyn, and oh my god this is gonna sound really stupid." I facepalmed
"Tell me." Jack smiled looking into my eyes
"I always had a hard time making friends, so when I met Corbyn I thought, this is great! I finally have a best friend! But then apparently he was using me so, yeah."
"Okay, continue."
"Then I realized what I was doing to everyone around me, and decided to try and cheer everyone up by going to the skate park."
"I know that part, what about the call?"
"So it had been what, five days since me and Justin broke up, and I get this call, and it's this girl yelling
'Who are you? Why are you calling my boyfriend?!' And that just kinda broke me." I said feeling a tear drop

Jack's POV
"Come here." She and I laid down, I wrapped my arm around the small of her waist and pulled her next to me. She laid her head next to mine and cuddled into me. I pulled the blanket over us, and we just laid there for a while.
I looked over at her after a little bit and saw her peacefully sleeping. Should I kiss her on the head? Is that too much? Or is it fine? I'm so confused! You know what, screw it. Just as I was about to leave, I kissed her on the head. As I walked away I felt her grab my arm. She pulled me back and I immediately started cuddling her.
Don't judge me.

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