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Corbyn's POV
I'm happy for Camila, but every time she's with Grayson I get this weird feeling in my stomach. I feel like he's gonna end up breaking her heart. And a few months into their relationship, my conspiracies were correct.
I was on the couch cuddling with Madison, and Camila cane bursting through the door, crying.
She quickly ran to her room, and I ran after her.
I stopped at her room and knocked on her door.
"Not right now." She hissed
"Don't care. I'm coming in!" I said, opening the door
I saw her laying on her bed, facing the other way, wrapped up in her blanket like a burrito.
I sat next to her.
"Hey, what happened?" I asked
She looked at me
Her eyes and face were red and puffy, and the normal green in her eyes were drained out, making her eyes look grey.
"Just leave me alone Corbyn." She sighed
"I've never left you alone when your hurting before, why do you think I'll start now?" I chuckled slightly
She shrugged her shoulders
"How about we play a yes or no question game?" I asked
"Great start!" I clapped my hands once
She groaned
"Okay, 1. Does it involve a guy?"
"Question 2. Is that guy Grayson?"
"Yes" her voice cracked
"He broke up with you, huh?" I frowned
She tapped her nose.
We sat in silence for a couple of seconds.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked
More silence
"I just don't understand! All of a sudden, he just dumps me! He didn't even do it himself, he got Ethan to break us up!" She cried
"There, there." I hugged her
She sobbed into my chest.
Madison walked up, and asked
"Corbyn, can I talk to you?"
"Yeah. I'll be right back." I told Camila
I joined Madison in the hallway
"See this is what I mean, this is why we were fighting a couple days ago." She looked mad
Me and Madison had had fought a couple days before this, and it was about how I never pay attention to her, but I give all my time to other girls.
"I'm your girlfriend, and your not treating me like it!" She yelled
"Maddie, calm down." I said
"No! I just can't just be calm anymore!" Madison hissed
Her face changed
"Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore." She explained
"I know I don't want to fight anymore either!"
I exclaimed
"No, I mean, Corbyn, I'm breaking up with you."
My heart shattered
A tear rolled down my cheek
"Corbyn-" Madison started
"No, just leave." I hung my head down and pointed towards the stairs
Camila came and hugged me from behind.
I turned around and hugged her.
"We're just two heartbroken kids, huh?" She mumbled into my chest
I chuckled
We walked into her room.
I jumped on her bed. She jumped next to me.
"Corbyn, I'm sorry." A tear slipped down her face
"Oh no, baby why?" I said, flipping to face her
"I'm the reason you and Madison broke up." She sobbed
"No, no, it wasn't you." I felt a tear slip down my face
She wiped it with her thumb
"You sure?"
"100% sure."
She smiled
"Well might as well tell the world about me and Grayson."
We both pulled out our phones. I admired how beautiful she is.
The way her hair fits perfectly behind her ear. How her freckles are perfectly scattered around her nose and cheeks.
The way her eyes change colors based off of the lighting, and her mood. It all had hit me.
I liked Camila

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