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Daniel's POV
"Ok then..." is all I could manage to get out
Why? Why is she doing this? Does she still like Corbyn? Maybe she does. Am I just getting in the way of a new relationship?

Zach's POV
When we pulled up to the skatepark Camila ran ahead of everyone, and immediately got on her board and flew into the pit! After going up and down and doing a little bit of a grind on the rim of the pit, she realized no one else was skating. Why do I sound like such a narrator? I just stood there with a goofy grin.
"Zach, come on!" She yelled
I skated in with her, we did loops around the circle, we grinded on the edges and did a couple of other tricks.
"Hold on Zach, I'll be right back." And she got out of the pit

Jack's POV
Okay, that was impressive. Not gonna lie.
"How come you guys aren't skating?" Camila said walking up to us
"I don't know. Wanna skate with me?" I asked
"Sure!" She said putting down her board
"Where we headed?" She asked catching up to me
"I don't know maybe-" I got cut off by her phone ringing
"Sorry Jack, can I take this?" She said grabbing her phone
Now, not to be weird or anything I just watched her. In a not creepy way. I promise.
"Hello?" She answered
She waited a second

Camila's POV
"Who the hell are you?!" A girl yelled through the phone
"Uhmm, I'm Camila."
"Why was MY boyfriend calling YOU?!"
I looked at the contact,
Great. I hung up.
How could he already move on?

Jack's POV
"Uhmm, I'm Camila."
Well duh.
She looked at the contact on her phone, and her face changed. Then she hung up. I skated over to Camila and put my arm around her shoulder.
"Ready?" I looked over to her
"Yea." She said looking at me
I saw a tear slip from her right eye.
"Camila, what happened on that call?"
"Oh, nothing. Just a telemarketer." Another tear fell
I gently wiped her tear away.
"Camila, you're gonna have to be honest with me, tell me, what happened on that call."
We were maybe 6 inches away from each other my heart was beating out of control.
"Jack, nothing happened."
"Camila, don't lie to me."
I moved an inch closer. She was up against a wall, and the boys couldn't see us. Camila looked me dead in the eyes and said

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