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Camila's POV
i woke up with a pounding headache, and zach was beside me.
"Camila! You're okay!" he hugged me
i thought about his words for a little bit.
"of course i'm okay. why wouldn't i be-" i interrupted my own thoughts
it all hit me.
but not like how alec had hit me, but like thought wise.
now i've never been much of a cryer, but at that point i just didn't care.
i cried.
and cried.
zach sat next to me and hugged me.
"Camila, don't cry, everything will be alright." he said
"how do you know?" i asked, looking up at him
"i'll make sure everything turns out alright."
i smiled.
jonah bursted through the door with blood on his knuckles.
we both yelled eachother's names at the same time
"jonah, what happened to your knuckles?"
"i had to take care of some stuff."
"jonah, you didn't."
"Oh, but I did."
And instead of yelling at Jonah, I gave him a nice, big, sisterly hug.
Of course I flicked the back of his head afterwards though.

A/N sorry I've been SUPER inactive, I just got a new phone, and I lost my account because I dropped the other one in my shower😂

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