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Camila's POV
"Baby, I'm sorry. Look, I'll stop texting her."
"That doesn't change the fact you cheated!"
I was pissed.
Me and Alec were tearing apart the kitchen, every second, each one of us getting angrier and angrier.
"Well maybe if you weren't such a slut, living with 5 guys, I would've never cheated!"
"I'm living with my damn brother! And don't act like you're so innocent, you kept on checking out other girls when I was right next to you!"
"No I wasn't!"
"Yeah, ya were! I've seen the way you look at Madison!"
"You jealous whore!"
Alec stepped closer towards me
"Back away from me! You disgusting pig!"
"Apologize!" He yelled
Alec squeezed my wrist, A little too tight.
I winced in pain.
"What do you say?" He spat
I stayed silent.
"Answer me!"
I felt a sting across my face.
Alec had slapped me.
"Ow Alec! Stop!" I winced in pain
He punched my stomach.
I fell to the floor, groaning in pain.
I heard people running in.
"Camila!" Zach yelled
"Aw, look the little skank had her lover boy come save her." Alec teased
"Back up man." Zach calmly said
Alec kicked me in the stomach again.
I saw Zach fly into Alec's body, like a bull taking charge

I saw Zach fly into Alec's body, like a bull taking charge

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I started coughing up blood.
All I heard was Zach yelling
Before everything went black

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