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Camila's POV
I quickly got changed into this

And headed downstairs, I could feel all eyes on me, but I didn't care

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And headed downstairs, I could feel all eyes on me, but I didn't care.
Zach's POV
Ok, so we've lived with Camila for what, 2 weeks now. But I have never thought about her like mwah mwah. But I think that state of mind might have changed.
Jonah's POV
I ran over to Camila, and threw my shirt over her head.
"Stop staring at my sister!" I hissed
I heard her giggle from behind me
I turned around
"Can you not act like a girl? I don't need these dudes catching feels for you."
She just laughed at me
"Why would they do that? Don't worry Jonah."
She said smiling like a idiot
"Oh yeah, and hide that smile." I said stifling a laugh
She smiled a huge smile and walked out the back door.
Daniel's POV🦒 (<——agahsjdv😂)
"Stop staring at my sister!" I quickly whipped my head to the side
I heard her giggle. That giggle, my heart melted a little bit.
She waltzed outside with a huge smile on her face. I followed and everyone else followed me.
I saw Camila take Jonah's shirt off and pass it to him. She quickly laid down on the chair to catch a tan. I didn't understand why though, she already has the perfect looks.
"So I need clickbait, and Camila's good looking, so I need one Why Don't We boys to kiss her." I over hear Logan explain to Jonah
"No way!"
"Dude, please."
Logan walked away from Jonah.
"Boys get over here!" Logan yells
Camila looks up, but only to grab her sunglasses.
We all get in a huddle.
"I need one of you to kiss Camila." He casually says
We all look at each other.
"Dibs!" We all say at the same time
"Fine, That didn't help." He states with a slight chuckle
"We can go by age, how old is she?"
"18." I chime in
"I could kiss her." Logan suggests
"No way!" Jack says loud enough that his point gets across
"Has anyone done anything flirty with her?" He asks
Corbyn and Jack raise their hands
Zach and I sigh.
"Okay, it's either Daniel, or Zach." He states
I just smile
"I think Daniel should kiss her, he's liked her for longer." Zach said smiling at me
"Okay, then it's Dani boy!" Logan exclaimed
Logan walked up to Camila and explained what was going on.
She looked at me and smiled.
Camila's POV
Logan directed us into a pose that made it look real. I gently placed my lips onto Daniel's. I wanted to deepen the kiss but Logan said not to move. I just felt his soft lips on mine. For an amount of time that didn't feel long enough we just stayed like that.
Jack's POV
Not gonna lie. Daniel and Camila kissing hurt me. For every second they were together like that, I felt another knife go into my heart. Teensy tiny little daggers.

500 words

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