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Camila's POV
I had spent a day at Logan's house, crying, and petting Kong.
"Logan sorry I'm being an emotional bitch right now, it's just like they were family! And I can't believe they wouldn't believe me." I cried into Logan's chest
"Camila, your good being an emotional bitch."
I looked at him
"No! I'm not calling you a bitch, I'm just saying that it's cool. Oh my god that sounded better in my head.." he ranted, before face palming
"I just wanted to say I'm always here for you."
Then the doorbell rang.
Logan ran to get it, I hid.
From on top of the staircase I looked down and saw them. Madison, Corbyn, Jonah, Jack, Zach, and Daniel.
"Is Camila here?" Madison asked
"Yes." Logan said flatly
"Dammit!" I whispered to myself
"Can we see her?" Jonah asked
"I'm her brother!"
"Yeah, and brothers are supposed to protect their sisters in times when she needs it the most, not trust some random stranger over her!" Logan scolded
Jonah looked down
      "You too guys! Did you know how much you meant to her! And the fact that you chose her bully over her, and didn't even listen to her side of the story disgusts me. Camila is such a great girl, and you all betrayed her. She came to my doorstep crying! I say next to her as she sobbed about how her 'family' ditched her! That girl deserves all the happiness and positivity the world can give, and clearly right now, none of you are doing your job as her friend. So don't come around here, and don't go near her until she lets you know." And with that, Logan shut the door in their faces.

About 20 minutes after, the boys tweeted everything and said how I was a good person, and they were the ones who messed up.
Madison did everything she could to spread word about what happened. Logan and I vlogged and he introduced me to the Dolan Twins! By the way, they're both stupid hot. But,   I shouldn't really be thinking about guys because my life is a fucking mess.
But I'm okay.
I'm always okay.

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