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Zach's POV
Me and the guys walked in laughing from some cheesey joke Corbyn had just said. For some weird reason all I could think about was
"I wonder if Jack's taking care of Camila?"
Or something stupid like,
"How's Camila feeling?"
It was like I couldn't get her out of my head. dId SHe caST a SpElL oN mE?!

Daniel's POV
"Hey guys where's Jack?" Corbyn asks
"I don't know, probably with Camila." Zach says
Jonah's mouth dropped
"Dude, what's wrong?" I said stifling a laugh because of his face
"Jack's a guy, right?"
"Uhh, yeah?" Zach said not understanding
"Holy crap!" And with that Jonah dashed upstairs
After 3 seconds of debating I saw Corbyn run up the stairs too.
Me and Zach made eye contact, and then booked it.

Jonah's POV
Nope, nope. Camila shall NOT be left alone in a house by herself with a boy. I ran upstairs, and there it was, Jack and Camila under the blanket.
I opened up the blanket preparing to be blinded, but instead I saw them cuddled up in this weird tumblr post pose:

I opened up the blanket preparing to be blinded, but instead I saw them cuddled up in this weird tumblr post pose:

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Not gonna lie it was kinda cute. So, like any good brother I snapped a photo. Whoops. I felt Corbyn creep up next to me. I looked over at him.
"Dude you Alright?"
"Not really, Jonah..." And then he walked away
Kinda weird but okay.

Jack's POV
I woke up with Camila in my arms, and Daniel, and Zach were both staring at me.
"What?" I said groggily
"You know what, Jack." Daniel spat
"Eh?" I said still too tired to function
I looked down.
"Yes, you idiot."
She groaned
"Shut up." She said flipping around and cuddling into my chest
"How could you take advantage of her?" Daniel said before walking out of my room
What was up his a-

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