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Jack's POV
So maybe that wasn't the best idea... Camila didn't even look at me it kinda hurt my heart. Daniel seamlessly walked around the corner and said;
"Wow dude, using Aspen. Not cool." He grabbed some watermelon
"Don't come at me with that-"
"Why'd you do it." He said interrupting me
"I don't know." I said reaching for the watermelon
He swatted my hand
"You do know."
"Take a guess." I said sarcastically
And he was 100% right
Camila's POV
Great, now all I have in my head is Jack kissing that girl. The way her hands were in his hair. The way he pulled her in. Everything. It all haunted me.
"Who spilled yogurt on the floor down here?!" I heard Jonah yell from downstairs
"Sorry!" I yelled back
I logged onto my Xbox. Wesley invited me to a party. Wesley was my best friend ever since I can remember.
"Hey Wes!"
"Camila! You're online again!" I could feel his smile through the headset
"Duh bro, I gotta play with someone." I said with a chuckle at the end
"So how's Jonah?" He asks
"Dude! I just realized something."
"What?" He asks with genuine concern
"I'm a terrible sister, I don't even ask how Jonah's feeling anymore!"
"Oh my god you are!"
"Thanks for the support, babe." I said laughing
"Ya welcome, boo." He says in a black girl voice
Zach's POV
"Thanks for the support, babe."
What, babe? I know I shouldn't care, because I have no chance, but babe?! She has a boyfriend?! I run downstairs, and slide in... Yogurt??
"Yo, bro you Alright?" Jack says running over to me
"Okay, why were you running?" He says chuckling
"Guys meeting. Couch. Now." I say before getting up and running to the couch
Corbyn and Daniel were already there
"Yo, Zach. What's the deal with the running?" Corbyn asks
"Yeah, did you sign up for track?" Daniel said making him and Corbyn laugh
Jack sat down
"Guys. I think Camila has a boyfriend."

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