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Camila's POV
I watched the sun set with Zach by my side.
For a old Jacob Sartorius he's pretty cool.
Just as the sun set my phone started blowing up.
Get home now
Is Zach with you
Please hurry
It's serious.

I quickly showed Zach my phone, and we ran back down to the car.
I drove this time, and I was tearing up the streets.
"Camila, calm down." Zach said, putting his hand on my thigh
I quickly relaxed.
He didn't call so, it couldn't have been too bad.
We pulled up to the house, on what felt like ages later.
All the boys looked like they were about to cry.
Logan was there, and he looked depressed.
"Jonah, what happened?" I said sliding on my knees up to him
"Camila..." Jonah looked up at me
"Logan did you do this?" I said, snapping at him
"Camila." Jonah said in a quiet voice
"Jonah, what happened."
"You dipshit! I was worried!" I said slapping his arm repeatedly
"I'm sorry!"
I still kept on slapping him
"Don't you ever worry me like that again, Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich!"
"Why did you assume I did something?" Logan interrupts
"Is that really a question?" I sassed
"Ooh!" Zach boomed
"Wait Dani, are you actually crying?" I said sliding over to him
"I'm just so happy."
"Oh my god Dani! Don't cry!"
"Haha loser." Corbyn said
I gave him the death glare
"There there, Dani boy. Don't cry." I said patting his back
"Okay, but seriously, when Dani gets his hormones together, do you guys wanna go celebrate." I ask
I heard a couple people chuckle
"Dani, we'll get watermelon." I said softly
His head shot up
"Yes watermelon." Jack said
"Off we go!" He yelled
"I call shotgun!" I yelled
We all got in the car.
"Camila there's not enough room, you're gonna have to sit on someone's lap." Logan smirked
"No she won't! Zach go sit on Jack's lap." Jonah interrupted
I chuckled
"Fine by me." I said getting in the front seat
"Seriously Camila?" Jack asked
"Sorry, not sorry." I said laughing
The whole car ride was just us, blasting Disney soundtracks and screaming along to them.
"Jack, why so sour?" I asked him
"Take a guess."
"Oh shut it, you love me!" Zach said hugging him
I couldn't stop laughing
And for once, I thought I actually saw the Jack Avery smile.
Jack's POV
I couldn't help but to smile.
Zach slapped me in a playful way
"How come you never smile at me?" He said in a white girl voice
Camila looked back at me
My face turned red.
I quickly messed up Zach's hair.
"Dangit bro!" He yelled
We quickly got to the restaurant and ordered our food.
Camila, being herself got a cupcake.
When she wasn't looking, Jonah grabbed a bite of it.
"Dammit dude! That's my cupcake!" She said slapping his arm
"Doesn't look like it." He sassed
"Oh really?" She said
And then she took a giant bite, leaving frosting on her cheek.
"Camila, you got some frosting on your face." I said with a slight chuckle
She quickly started wiping her face everywhere except where the frosting was.
I laughed at her.
I quickly reached over the table, and gently wiped the frosting off.
"Thanks Jack!" She beamed
"No problem." I slumped back into my chair
Damn, she was cute.

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