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Camila's POV
I flutter my eyes open and get up. I look to my right and see Jonah, I'm about to go back to bed but the I realize he's about to slap Corbyn. I quickly jump in front of Jonah's hand I take the hit.
Corbyn's POV
Jacks POV
Jonah's POV
Daniel's POV
Zach's POV

Corbyn's POV
"CAMILA!" We all shout at the same time
"Chill I'm alright!" She smiled
I ran over to her and hugged her
"Why would you do that?!" I said into her head
"I'm fine." She was muffled by my chest
"You could have really gotten hurt, I don't know what I would-"
"Corbyn, I'm okay."
I looked at her face for a moment before throwing her over my shoulder.
"Corbyn!! Put me down!" She laughed banging on my back
I started going down the stairs, making sure she wouldn't bang her head. I plopped her on the kitchen counter. I didn't care about the looks I was getting. I was with Camila.
"Corbyn, What are you doing?" She giggled
"I'm the doctor." I said acting like a kid
"I don't need a doctor." Even though I wasn't looking at her I could feel her smile
I opened up the freezer and grabbed a bag of peas, rapped it in a paper towel and put it on the hand mark on her face.
"It's cold!" She squealed
"That's the point!" I chuckled
I got pulled aside by Jack afterwards
"Listen, dude. Stop acting so coupley with Camila." He spat
"Why?" I snapped back
"Because you have Christina." And then he walked away

Daniel's POV
Why is Corbyn leading Camila on like this! It's driving me INSANE! I don't care but like, I do. Ugh! Why are girls so complicated.

Last week
Christina's POV
Today, I'm breaking up with Corbyn. I just can't do long distance anymore. I picked up th phone and pressed his contact
"Hey babe!" Corbyn answered
"Corbyn you know I love you, right."
"Uh, ya." He chuckled
"Well I don't really love you anymore. So I'm ending it."
"Is this a prank?" His voice cracked
"Nope. We're over."
"Fine. Don't ever talk to me or my friends again."
And now Corbina is over

Current time
Corbyn's POV
That's it everyone's bringing up Christina it's time to tell them.
"Hey guys." I said walking into the living room
Camila was upstairs talking to someone, so it was time to tell them.
"Christina broke up with me last week." I randomly blurted out
Everyone's faces turn sympathetic instead of sour and annoyed.
"And the reason I was hanging out with Camila was because I needed someone to numb the pain." That was a lie
And there stood Camila completely lifeless as her phone fell down the stairs. I watched as her bright blue eyes turned into a colorless grey.

A/N I don't hate Christina, in fact she's awesome I just needed some juicy moments

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