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Camila's POV
"Bye Grayson!" I waved to Gray as he pulled away
I sat down on Logan's couch and pressed Jonah's contact.
"Camila!" Jonah beamed
"Jonah, I'm so sorry for whatever I did, can I please move back in with you?" I asked
"Are you and that Red kid-" Jonah started
"Gray. Grayson actually." I corrected him
"Anyway, are you two dating?" Jonah asked
"Yes sir."
"Let me ask the guys."
Jonah hung up
3 minutes later I got a text
Get yo butt back home

I ran upstairs and told Logan the good news. He was so happy for me, and he helped me pack up my bags. In a day I was ready to go home.
"Logan, I can't explain how great you are, thank you so much for everything." I said, hugging the boy who towered over me
"No problem Camila." He hugged me back
"Bye Logan!" I yelled, hanging out of Jonah's car window
I looked at Jonah
"I'm back, baby!" I yelled
"I know you are, and I'm sure the boys missed you!" Jonah gave me a little side hug
As we pulled up to the house, I got that vibe. You know, the vibe you get when you're back from a long vacation, and you see your house, and the only thought you have is "I'm home."?
I ran through the front door and yelled
(Eva pronounced eh-va)
"Camila!" Zach came running around the corner, and slamming me into a hug
The two headed beast we created fell to the floor, and we didn't let go
It wasn't until Jack and Daniel ran in, and then me and Zach separated. We all had our separate hugs, and waited for Corbyn to come home. As everyone sat on the couch, making small talk, the dreaded question came flying out of Jonah's mouth:
"So, Camila, are you dating anyone?"
Everyone's eyes darted on me.
"Yeah, actually, I think you met him once, Grayson Dolan." I explained
"Oooh Yeah, I did at a playlist, and let me just say, he's a hottie." Jonah said, like a 45 year old mom trying to be cool
"Ew stopppp!" I cringed
"Grayson's a hottie!" Jonah started chanting
I just facepalmed
"Why did I move back here again?" I asked, rhetorically
"Because you love us!" Zach exclaimed, hugging me
"Ughh, I guess I do love you idiots." I said
And then smiled

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