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Daniel's POV
I was tired of everyone using Camila! First Corbyn, then Jack, who's next, Zach?! She's so innocent and pure, and people are just ruining that! She needs a serious boyfriend, and it looks like I'm the only person who can do that!
"Hey Daniel, why so serious?" Corbyn said looking in the fridge
"You, and Jack are my problem!" I spat
"Woah, what did Jack do?" He asks
"He's upstairs cuddling with Camila, taking advantage over the fact that she's hurting!"
"Why do you care?" He said grabbing some strawberries
"I don't. Camila's just so pure, and innocent, and she's perfect! But everyone's going to ruin that! Can't she see that she needs someone like me? Someone who will hold her, and have a serious relationship with her, and not just break her heart!" I spilled everything out to Corbyn
"Oh my god, you really are blind." He chuckled
"What, no I'm not." I said
"Can't you see?"
"Can't I see what?"
"You like Camila!"

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