1. Where's the Greenie?

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What the hell did I get myself into?

I stood up, struggling to balance myself as this metal box or whatever I was in, was ascending faster. I bumped my head on the roof and fell down on my back with a thud. Despite the flickering lights, I managed to scan my dimly lit surroundings. This lift of sort was crammed with stuff, leaving only a small space just enough for me to curl. I started banging the walls for some reason, hoping someone could hear me. I screamed, but only let out a small and shaky croak. The sound of rattling and banging metals roared in the tiny space I was in, causing me to cover my ears.

An unbearable screech pierced before the metal box came to an abrupt stop. Red light flashed and I heard a bunch of startled chickens clucking by the opposite side.

Ok, is this some kind of sick joke?

A bright light flashed and the metal box rumbled before it finally became silent. I froze for a moment once I heard faint footsteps and voices, tucking my knees closer and burying my face to shield myself from the blinding light once the roof of the metal box opened.

"Oh shuck, are those chickens? Finally!" I heard someone exclaim.

"Where the hell's greenie?"

"No greenbean? That's weird."

"That's a lot of supplies."

"Are those freaking tarps?"

"They really outdid themselves this time."

With those heavy footsteps starting to get louder, I pictured a bunch of people gathering around but still, I refused to look up. Maybe if I pretend to be dead, they might leave me alone. I huddled to the corner even more and shut my eyes.

Now would be a really good time to wake up. I kept telling myself over and over again.

"Alby, over there!"


There was a thud and I felt a heavy hand touch my shoulder. Hesistantly, I started to raise my head, my eyes squinting, still adjusting to the light.

"Hey there." He greeted but I did not respond. I stared at his face for a moment, observing his features. My hands were shaking and I could sense my lips were, too.

"Whoa, it's another girl." Someone from the crowd blurted out.

"No shit."

"Is she hot?"

"Well, I call dibs!"

"She' so shucking tiny."

"A girl?"

I raised my head high enough to get a view of the crowd around me. Their dirty, soiled clothes and messy hair were enough to make me uncomfortable. I wanted to scream but even fear was preventing me to do such things.

"It's alright. We're not gonna hurt you." The same dark-skinned guy slowly withdrew his hand from my shoulder and stood up, offering his hand to help me up. But I didn't oblige. He patiently waited for me to atleast say a word but I only remained frozen.

"Can you talk?" He furrowed. I lightly nodded my head.

"Well, can you stand up? You can't stay in this box forever, right?"

"Alby, your welcoming skills need more practice. I don't think she's buying it afterall."

I turned to the direction of where that voice came from, relieved to finally see a girl, hop down the metal box. She edged nearer, carefully avoiding all the boxes, crates and bins that filled the lift.

"I should probably take it from here." The girl rested her palm on the guy's back.

"Hello." She smiled as she bent down, with the dark-skinned guy slowly moving the crates to make more room. She was tall, slender and had bronze skin. She looked cleaner and her curly black hair was kept in a bun, with a few loose strands hanging on the sides.

"Don't worry. We ain't troublemakers. Let's get you out of this box, ok?" She offered me a hand as I slowly stood up.

Glancing around my surroundings made me wonder why most of the people here were boys and why the hell was I even here. After the girl carefully helped me out of that damn metal box, the boys huddled closer and wouldn't stop staring.

"Wow, seriously? You slintheads really need to stop staring at her. I swear-" She hissed as she slowly placed her hand on my back, guiding me away from the guys- "you're really scaring our greenie."

"They're just excited as you are." My eyes connected to a thin, blonde boy, limping towards us. "Hello there greenie"

I turned to the girl, who appeared amused for some reason. She must have noticed my uneasiness and decided to introduce.

"I'm Erin by the way. And the guy you first saw was Alby, he's our leader. And this-" She placed her hand around the blonde boy's shoulder- "is Newt, our second-in-command"

Her smile disappeared and was replaced with concern as if she realized that I actually did not really care. Everything that was happening right now was too much to process. Inside, I was freaking out but my demeanor was far-fetched. I could still sense the boys around me whispering. Erin flashed them a look that made them instantly go quiet.

"Do you remember your name?" Erin asked as she positioned herself again to my right side while placing a hand on my shoulder. I gasped silently and slowly shook my head.

"I think there's something wrong with her." Newt frowned.

"Shush! Don't freak her out." Erin whispered back.

I froze in horror to the realization that I could not remember anything, even my name. I blinked my eyes several times and started getting tense. I was tempted to run away but my feet remained stiff. What was going on? Where the hell am I and why can't I remember anything? Purely, this was probably just a sick joke and would be over soon. Right?

"Alright shanks, start unloading. We have as much work to be done considering the amount of supplies we got today."

I turned back to Alby who just climbed out of the box before dusting his pants. The boys grumbled and started gathering and unloading the materials from the box.

Erin gestured to follow me as she took my trembling hand. Newt was following as well. Other boys were trailing along, eyeing me from head to toe.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

I looked at her straight in the eye. Honestly, at the moment, nothing was making me feel alright. The questions flooding my mind made me look lost. However, despite my troubled thoughts, Erin's hazel eyes looked endearing and she seemed to appear trustworthy. I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head.

"Good that. It means you're alive." She said before looking at Newt. I caught sight of her smiling faintly before everything turned black.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now