18. Runner? Not Really

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The keepers had a meeting two days later. Minho told me about their decision after the gathering, and I had mixed emotions. I felt happy that I could finally be useful, but at the same time worried that I might mess up. He told me that Erin was against the idea and walked out with Winston. The rest agreed, as long as I would come back safely. I was surprised Newt agreed as well.

To make Erin feel better, Minho told her that Ben and him would be with me tomorrow, and would keep me safe. Erin still was mad at Minho for encouraging me to participate in solving the maze, but when I finally talked to her, she agreed, even though she was hesitant at first.

"Maya," I turned around and saw Chuck, carrying a stick. "So you're a runner now?"

"I'm not. Wait, how did...how di-"

"I was listening outside. The walls are thin y'know?"

I smiled and ruffled his curly crown. He swung his stick like he was pretending to fight something. From a distance, I noticed Newt slowly walking towards me. From his demeanour, he was obviously not happy. Chuck excused himself and went to the Homestead.

Oh dear.

"Can we talk?"

"That's a first," I replied, "You finally got tired of ignoring me?"

"That's not what I wanted to talk about."

"Oh, ok," I nodded sarcastically, "What is it then?"

"Why are you doing this? Since when did you become so invested in being a bloody runner?"

"It's not about that."

He scoffed, folding his arms. "Then what?"

"Maybe I can....I can help solve the maze. Don't you wanna get outta here sooner?"

Newt exhaled heavily. "It's dangerous out there. What if you get hurt? What if you wont make it back before those bloody doors close?"

"You agreed to this, right? So you know I'm gonna be safe."

"Well I also make wrong decisions, don't I?"

"Newt, if you're gonna give me a lecture then I'll go now cause I'm not in the....in the mood." The blond boy sneered and shook his head in disbelief before leaving me alone.

My whole afternoon was spent on the map room together with the runners and Alby. They were arguing at first and debating how I could in any way help solve the maze, thinking I would just pass out after a minute of running since I was small and scrawny. But in the end, they gave up and just stuck with Minho's plan.

"Tomorrow is the first time we're sending a non runner in the maze, so DON'T shuck this up," Alby reminded, his hands pressed on the table, "Maya, I want you to focus out there, ok? Make sure the 3 of you come back before those doors close. Do you understand?"


The following morning, I found myself waiting very early near the maze doors together with Erin, Alby, Ben and Minho. The other runners were given a free pass today. Alby theorized that maybe sending me out there would insinuate more risks so he didn't want the rest of the runners to encounter any unexpected trouble so they stayed in the glade for safety purposes. It made me feel like I was a bait. And I had to ask him what insinuate meant.

The doors gradually opened.

Erin held my shoulder. "If you sense anything wrong, you can always turn back, ok?" I nodded.

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