30. Night Chase

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I stood motionless, staring at Thomas while Minho knelt beside me, panting loudly.

"Good job. You just killed yourself."

"Whh..what?" The greenie tried to get up on his knees. He crawled to where Alby laid and kept asking. Minho replied but I could feel Thomas was getting on his nerves. They kept arguing while I tried to focus and scan around. They were shushed by rumblings, indicating the shifting walls and sections.

"We should go. The maze is changing." Minho said.

"What?" I reacted, "Can't we just stay here, near the doors?"

"And make yourself an easy-to-spot griever snack? You're definitely the shucking smartest in here."

"And, and, and you think your sass could save you?"

"Listen, shuckface." He gripped my shirt and pulled me close to his sweaty face. "You have no idea what you got yourself into. There's no way the four of us are gonna survive this shithole tonight."

"What makes you think that?"

"What makes you think that? Really, Maya? Are you really that slow?"

I yanked him away but failed. "Think about it Minho. Do you really want Newt and the others to find 4 dead bodies once those doors open? If you....if you really think you're gonna die, atleast think about them. L-let's survive this night. For them."

"There's nothing they can do while we're out here."

"Hey." Thomas pried as away from each other. "That's enough.

Minho groaned and paced back and forth. Regardless of his stubborn persistence, Thomas and I refused to leave Alby. We argued for a while before Minho finally gave up trying to convince us to stop trying to do what was right. They carried Alby as I guided them to a section where I knew we could hide his body. They tied a vine around him and hoisted him up to conceal him among the vines, while I kept watch for any grievers approaching.

"Guys, hurry up." I muttered as I spotted a familiar figure emerging from the darker corner of the place. The boys heaved, trying to pull Alby up. But Minho began to panic and was ready to run away.

"We gotta go."

"No just a little bit more, Minho." Thomas protested but the runner refused.

"Sorry greenie." Minho mumbled before he grabbed my hand and scampered away, leaving Thomas alone with Alby.

I tried to fight back but Minho's firm was grip. He was carelessly dragging me further into the maze, thinking we would be safe.

"Minho, you jerk!" I finally managed to pull away. "What is wrong with you?"

"We're in the maze for shuck's sake!" He aggressively pushed me on a wall. "I can only afford to protect myself and maybe you too. But if you piss me off, you're on your own."

"We need to go back."

"Now's not the time to be a shucking superhero." He snarled and raised a fist near my face. I didn't know if it was the panic I felt that time, but I slowly raised my hands, cupping his face in an attempt to calm him down.

I knew Minho felt the trembling of my hands, but I was only trying to calm him down, even if I needed to calm myself first.

"Minho, stop being a pussy," I said firmly, staring at his cold and flinty eyes. "I need.....I need you to trust me. And Thomas. Please. We'll make it. I promise."

Surprisingly, he began to compose himself, his shoulders relaxing as he took a step backward. He took one deep breath before licking his lips.

"I don't know if I badly want to kiss you, or shove you off a cliff."

I shook my head. "None of the above." I held out my hand and he hesistantly took it.

But the maze was changing and it took us a while to finally catch up with Thomas who was helplessly being chased by a griever.

"You crazy son of a bitch." Minho cursed before pulling Thomas away and the three of us were back on our feet again. The adrenaline rushing through my body helped me run faster althought not as swift as the other two but Minho never released my hand.

"Here!" Minho pointed to a corridor but I pulled him away before he could pivot.

"Dumbass! That's a dead end." I hissed.

We manuevered ourselves into the shifting maze, while the surge was guiding me on certain routes to take, casually avoiding dead ends, hopefully sparing our lives. But a griever was still chasing us. I led them to a section that was changing, knowing that we could somehow, in someway, ditch it there.

The walls of that section were closing and Minho and I dashed towards the other side. But when I turned to Thomas, he was no longer behind us, standing still at the opposite end.

"Thomas!" Minho called. Thomas frantically looked at us before fixing his gaze back at the griever. "Thomas, come on!"

I frowned, attempting to go after him but Minho held my arm. "Minho, what the hell is he up to?"

The greenie waited for the griever to catch up, leading it right into his trap.

"Come on Thomas don't look back!" Minho yelled, "Run!"

Not wanting to look as Thomas tried to outrun the griever and at the same time avoid being squashed by the closing walls, I covered my eyes, my insides twisting at the thought of him being crushed by those enormous concrete walls.

The walls rumbled and finally closed as Thomas crashed unto me, the both of us falling to the floor. He was panting on top of me, limp and heavy, and Minho had to shove him off me as I struggled to breathe under his weight.

The adrenaline was gone, exhaustion already settling in. Trying to move my sore legs, I wriggled my toes, feeling the barren, dusty floor, realizing that I was missing a shoe. I couldn't feel my hips anymore, like it detached from my torso due to the extreme numbness caused by the continuous sprinting.

Minho slumped on the floor beside me. I stared at the sky that was now starting to turn orange, hinting that the doors would open a few minutes later.

Thomas got up and offered me a hand. But once I tried to stand, my weak legs wobbled and I fell back on the floor.

"I can't get up."

"Yeah no shit," Minho replied. I rolled my eyes.

"Maya-" Thomas bent down and positioned his back infront of me- "Get on-"

"No shuckface. You carry Alby. I'll carry her." Minho retorted, nudging Thomas away.

Even as we returned to get Alby, I still couldn't believe it myself. We actually survived a night in the maze.

I closed my eyes, rested my cheek on Minho's back, also hoping that Newt was okay. I would never want to see him that worried again.

When we finally reached the doors, the first thing we heard was Chuck cheering excitedly. Everyone came rushing towards us and helped Thomas carry Alby. I clung tightly unto Minho and buried my face in his shoulder, frightened that Newt was gonna get mad at me. Afterall, I did break a rule.

"I got her man." I looked up to Winston as he motioned for Minho to transfer me to his arms. Minho knelt on the ground, relieved that I was no longer on his back.

"You are one stupid shank." Winston jested as he carried me.

Too tired to respond, I leaned on his chest, closing my eyes, ignoring all the chatter around me.

How the hell am I still alive?

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now