22. This is Nice

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I forced my heavy eyes open, blinking several times before I could recognize where I was; alone in the medhouse, which was unusual since Erin was always by my side when I woke up. Slowly I sat up, not wanting to worsen the awful headache. I gently touched my temple that was now wrapped with a bandage.

Recalling the occuring past events, my body tensed, dread creeping up my spine upon remembering how stupid and irresponsible my actions were back at the maze and how I almost ended up as another addition to the grievers' victim pile.

A close call where I only had myself to blame.

The door creaked open, Jeff entering, carrying a handful of medical supplies. When he noticed that I was sitting up, he dropped his things.

"Holy shit, finally!" He exclaimed. I stared at him blankly as he quickly scuttled and placed the supplies on a table. He was about to head back out, only to bump into Clint who was carrying a crate of bottles.

Ooof! The two med-jacks crashed to the floor.

"Watch it, dude." Clint grumbled as he started to pick up the scattered things.

"Look!" Jeff pointed eagerly, giggling. "She has risen."

Clint's eyes widened as he stood up, immediately leaving the room while Jeff stayed to clean up the clutter. I just sat on my bunk, wondering why these two bastards got surprisingly excited. I was now wearing a different shirt and didn't smell like sweat anymore which was a good thing. After Jeff arranged all their stuff, he scrambled outside and left me alone.

A few seconds later, Clint came back with a tray of food and water and placed it on my lap. There was a warm piece of bread, two poached eggs and a slab of cheese. I shoved the hearty meal into my mouth rapidly, not bothering to chew. I had no idea that I was this hungry. I ignored Clint watching me eat greedily and continued chomping on the food.

In the middle of my meal, I heard more footsteps running towards the medhouse. The door swung wide open and Erin and Newt were the first to come bursting inside; with Alby, Winston, Minho, Ben, and Jeff following.

My cheeks were still stuffed when Erin decided to hug me so tight I thought I would accidentally spew out the food all over the bunk.

"If you shucking make me worry like that again, I'm gonna throw you off the tower." Erin said as soon as she unwrapped her arms from me.

"Welcome back shank." Minho smirked as I shoved the remaining crumbs to my mouth. Winston sat on the remaining space beside me and rubbed my shoulder.

I glanced at everyone and never felt so uncomfortable before. Everyone was just staring at me and their faces were too creepy, except Erin's. I can't believe they just interrupted me while I was eating peacefully. I swallowed everything before deciding to speak.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Erin.

She smiled and patted my shoulder. "Shuckface, you almost died, AGAIN."

"I think our friend has a death wish." Winston said to Erin before the both of them snickered softly.

I frowned and pursed my lips. They all just exchanged looks and didn't utter anything for a moment. I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"So, you're all just gonna stare at me like, like that?"

Ben sat down near my feet and replied. "You lost a lot of blood after the griever threw you, thought it was the end of the line."

Clint handed me a glass of water and I thanked him before immediately consuming it. I don't recall being this parched.

"That's the last time you are ever returning in that shuck maze," Alby said, "Who knows what will happen the next time you attempt to help out?"

"So no one's gonna ask what happened?"

Alby shook his head. "Minho & Ben already said enough."

"Good. So can you all leave me alone for now?" I requested, "I'm not in the mood for a lecture." They nodded and slowly left the room, but I held Erin's hand, not wanting her to leave.

"Don't go," I pleaded, "Please."

"Look, I'd love to talk to you but I think he wants your attention right now." Erin smiled sadly and glanced at the blond boy, who was stubbornly still on the bed beside mine. She hugged me once again before leaving the room.

I patted the extra space on my bed. But Newt didn't obey.

I smiled."So you're gonna ignore me again?"

"It's not funny, Maya." My smiled dropped. "Bloody hell, I thought you were gonna die!"

I sighed heavily, patting the space again until Newt finally scooted beside me."You've been asleep for a week. A shucking week! Some of the gladers even thought you never made it and we just secretly disposed your corpse."

I gulped silently. A week? What the... I must have hit my head really hard. It even caused me to dream about something that seemed to be a memory of my past.

"I'm really mad at you for not telling me that you went back in there." Newt crossed his arms. "But I don't think I have the right to."

"I'm sorry. I just thought it wasn't necessary."

"What, informing me or going back?"

"I'm sorry, ok? I knew you'd get mad if I told you so I didn't."

Newt positioned himself behind me while wrapping his arms around my waist, placing a soft kiss on the crook of my neck.

"Why didn't you tell me you went back in the maze? After all this time, I really thought you'd finally trust me."

"Alby didn't tell you?" I turned to him and pretended to be clueless. Newt shook his head. I shifted my position and was now facing him. His eyes were swollen but other than that, it was peaceful and loving.

"You were unrecognizable with the blood covering your entire face," He explained, "Clint was the one who patched you up cause Erin fainted."

"Oh. Well, I think I'd pass out too if I was her."

"You need to stop risking your life because of a buggin' gut feeling. Please. I don't want to lose you."

"I just wanted to help," I replied sadly, "I wanna get us outta here."

"It's not that easy, Maya. And you keep listening to this surge-thing of yours and it only leads you to nearly dying. Think about it. Is it really worth risking your life?"

"But it's true. I really can sense it. And I....and I know it could work in solving this stupid maze."

"For now, let's stop worrying about anything about the maze. As long as we all have each other, soon we could figure something out, alright?"

"But Newt that's not enough. There's, there's more than just being imprisoned here forever."

"What do you mean?"

"I know you'll hate me for saying this, but I get a feeling that we are getting out of here sooner."

"Great, we're all bloody inspired." Newt smirked and leaned towards me, our lips only inches away.

"Newt-" I jerked away, feeling my cheeks flush red- "I'm still really hungry. I want to eat s-s-something else other than your lips."

The reaction he made was priceless.

Nevertheless, I was telling the truth. I didn't care if it was the surge telling me but I knew it, I felt it, that this life here in this stupid glade would be over soon. I never found the exit but someone else will, eventually.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now