32. An Early Delivery

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I finally got the chance to change my dirty and smelly clothes back at the extension while Chuck was waiting for me outside.

"Maya hurry up!" He complained, "Do girls take this long to get ready?"

"Be patient, shank." I shouted back.

I brushed my hair before climbing downstairs. We were about to head to the medhouse to check on how the new girl and Alby were doing, when we noticed the commotion going on at the lookout tower.

Chuck and I rushed to where the fuss was. Gally and the others were busy yelling at someone who was at the tower, throwing stuff at them. Erin was standing not far behind, giggling by herself. So we approached her.

"What's going on?"

"That-" Erin pointed- "is exactly me when I first arrived. Let's see how they deal with her." She chuckled.

"How did she get those rocks up there?" Chuck scratched his head.

"I have no idea." Erin shook her head. "But she's gonna run out of 'em soon and god knows what she'll throw down next."

"Do you think we should help them?" I asked.

Erin shook her head again and grinned. "I could watch this all day."

Chuck then went nearer to the tower. The boys tried to calm the new girl down but she wouldn't listen and got even more furious. The two of us just chuckled while the boys helplessly tried to make her stop lashing out at them. A few seconds later, Thomas and Minho arrived.

"We come in peace." Frypan defended.

"I don't think she likes us very much."

"We just wanna talk." Thomas said.

"I'm warning you." The new girl dropped more stuff at them. Fortunately they shielded themselves with some boards and planks or they would have seriously injured their heads or had concussions.

"Take cover ya'll. Take cover."

Erin and I couldn't stop giggling at how pathetic yet hilarious at the same time the situation was. It's been awhile since I've had a good laugh.

"Hey Erin," Gally shouted, "Can't you see we need help here?"

"Oh, so now you want my help?" She sassed as she crossed her arms, "Whatever, jerks. You're on your own now." She rolled her eyes and flicked her wrist before heading back to the medhouse.

The poor gladers watched helplessly as the friendliest person in the glade walked away, forcing them to take matters in their own hands.

Gally frowned and looked at me, thinking that I was willing to help them out. "Maya?" He raised his eyebrows, waiting for my response.

I playfully shook my head. Gally scowled and continued persuading the girl to stop lashing out at them. It was entertaining watching these bastards struggle to win the new girl's trust.

She finally stopped once Thomas mentioned his name and climbed up. I slowly walked towards the crowd and placed my hand on Chuck's shoulder, waiting for both the new arrivals to climb down. When Thomas finally signalled that everything was fine, the rest began to leave the place.

"Is this what all girl's are like?" Frypan asked unsurely. I stood beside him and cleared my throat. He yelped when he noticed that I was now standing right next to him.

"Nope. They're not." I spoke while trying to hide my smile.


Thomas was locked in the slammer that night with no food but Chuck and I snuck something for him to eat after waiting for everyone to go to bed. After their heartfelt conversation, Chuck left while I remained. I wanted to talk to Thomas. But I also wanted him to start the conversation first.

"Newt told me you had a gift."

"It's a useless gift," I replied, "I don't even know how it works."

"If you weren't trapped with us in the maze, I don't think we'd ever survive."

"Nuh-uh." I shook my head. "It, it was you who did the work back there." He exhaled loudly and leaned backward. "Look, Thomas, I don't...I don't know how to break this down to you slowly but-"

"What is it?" He cut me off.

"I get this weird feeling that you could get us out of here. D-d-does that make any sense?"

Thomas clasped his hands together. "I want to get us out as soon as possible, find out who put us here, and why they'd do it."

"About the maze," I added, "I tried to find the exit but I just can't. But I have guess."

"Where is it?" He moved closer to the slammer door.

"The maze has g-grievers, right?" Thomas nodded. "So what if their way in, is our way out?"

"What do you mean? Wait, so you found the exit? You found a way out?"

"Almost, but I-"

"Maya! What are you doing there?" I was cut off by Gally's annoying yell. "Time for bed! You wanna be roommates with greenie?"

"Just a minute!" I yelled back.

"-I'm not sure yet," I continued, "And I can't go back out there. Newt won't let me. But you can. I mean, it's worth a try, right?"

"Maya, you have to be more speci-" Our conversation was cut short once Gally arrived, grabbing my arm and hoisting me up.

"Maya! You're really getting on my nerves. If you're still here on the count of 5 I'm telling Newt." The builder threatened. Not wanting to disturb the blond boy at this hour, I quickly nodded my head and sprinted towards the extension.

I wanted to tell Thomas that I recognized him because he was frequently in my dreams. But that would sound really creepy and I also didn't want to scare him and give him the impression that I was a delusional weirdo.

When I climbed up the extension, I was surprised to see the new girl in there. Erin and her were still talking when I arrrived.

"Looks like there's 3 of us now." Erin smiled.

"Hi Maya." The girl greeted.

"Hello." I awkwardly responded. Erin patted the floor beside her and motioned for me to sit down and have a chat with them.

"-like what I said," Erin continued, "we just wake up only remembering our names and that's it."

"But why only 3 of us? What's the reason they put 3 girls in a place full of boys." She asked.

"No clue." Erin shook her head. "The gap between my arrival and Maya's is a year. However, you came early. I don't know if it's on purpose or maybe there was just no shucking pattern at all."

"So when do you think is the next arrival?"

"The box hasn't come down since you came, Teresa. That never happened before. But don't worry, it's not your fault. Maybe it's just a coincidence." Erin assured.

Teresa smiled and nodded lightly. The two of them seemed to get along pretty fast. But I was not in the mood for talking since I haven't slept since last night and my body was still sore from all the running. The surge was surprisingly quiet tonight. Alby was still stung and no one knows what to do with him. There was no way these bastards would banish him, right? He was our leader. The glade would have gone to shit if it weren't for his leadership. But then George and Ben became aggressive after they got stung, leaving the gladers no choice but to send them away. I just hoped Alby wouldn't end up like them.

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