8. Familiar Feeling

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I woke up suddenly, every thought in high definition. Even if my eyes were open, I couldn't think of why my head was pounding and my throat felt like sandpaper. Erin and Winston were sitting beside me, looking amused.


Erin giggled as she stroked my messy (h/c) hair. "You definitely drank too much last night."

"We were looking for you last night and found you hugging a shucking log." Winston snorted, folding his arms. "You had fun gettin' all smoochy with our second-in-command?"

My jaw dropped. I felt extremely embarrassed. The headache was not helping either. I rubbed my fingers on my tempIe, groaning as I plopped myself back to bed.

"SOMEONE was really worried last night." Erin playfully poked my side as I dug myself deeper into the sheets.

"Newt and I were..uumm..we were at the lookout tower, we were talking and-"

"I don't know, Maya. Because when you're talking, you don't end up kis-"

I quickly jerked up and covered his mouth. "Winston! L-l-let's not talk about this please?"

"You really stutter a lot, man." He replied.

"yOu rEaLlY sTuTtEr A LoT, mAn. Shut up!"

Erin and Winston chortled and took turns poking my sides. I wished the blanket would just devour me this instant. Winston handed me a glass of water and I gulped it clean. Now I had to face a day with a morbid headache and worse, I had to face Newt and maybe explain why I was acting differently last night.


It was already late in the afternoon and I still had a head that felt like an axe was planted in it. Despite Erin's protests, I insisted on working even if I still felt unwell. It was getting sort of lame how I was usually the most useless person in the glade. Everyone had designated tasks yet I managed to slack off at times and get away with it. Alby was certainly not pleased with my behavior.

My heavy eyes struggled to cope with the late noon brightness as I fumbled inside the Blood house, trying to get work done. Frypan just happened to pass by and noticed me stumbling all over the place, unsupervised.

"Maya, you good?"

"Yeah. I think I had too much of Gally's recipe last night."

"You can say that," He chortled, "We found you getting all cozy with a log like your life depended on it."

I felt my cheeks fluster as Frypan lightly nudged my shoulder before returning to the kitchen. I hoped dinner tonight would help me feel better.

'Erin's PoV:

(earlier that day)

"Be careful out there, ok?" I leaned closer to him and wrapped my hands around his neck. Ben grinned before kissing me passionately.

"Erin, you know I'm always careful. If Minho wasn't around, ya'll know I would be the keeper of the runners."

"Or me. I would make a good runner." I teased and he rolled his eyes. "Just don't do anything stupid out there, ok?"

"Of course." He kissed my cheek. "See you at dinner?"

"See you at dinner."

Watching Ben enter the maze hurt like hell. Although hanging out with Winston or Maya made me feel better, but part of me won't stop worrying about Ben.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now