24. Scared Greenie

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The following day, I kept an eye on the box. I've never been so eager to see the newest addition to the glade. Whenever I zoned out, I always see a silhouette of someone running towards the maze doors.

"Maya?" I turned to Zart, his arms crossed. "Those carrots ain't gonna weed themselves y'know?"

I grunted before slouching to the ground, pulling out the weeds with my bare hands. Constantly, I kept stealing glances at the box until I got impatient. The box would be here any second.

But as soon as the siren blared, everyone else raced towards the box. I lost all my eagerness since they arrived at the box first and not me. I was annoyed at how fast their reflexes were.

I grumbled as I got up and dusted the soil off my pants. Jack clumsily dropped a basket of veggies on the ground as he sprinted to the crowd. I picked up after his mess and hugged the basket close to my chest and headed near the maze doors since I knew the greenie would pass by me any moment.

And sure enough, a couple seconds later, someone pushed through the crowd, frantically running away, bolting to the direction I predicted - the maze entrance.

"Hey we got a runner!"

"Run greenie run!" The gladers jeered.

The newbie passed by me, the both of us locking gazes before he tripped and rolled on the dirt. Bastards began bickering and laughing at the scared boy. My feet were still planted to the ground and I just stared at him. Erin was probably not around that's why he panicked since she was the one who could calm down greenies. But other than that, he looked very familiar. My gut knows I met him somewhere.

Gally grabbed the greenie and took him to the slammer to calm down. Everyone returned to their jobs afterwards.

"You dropped this," I told Jack as soon as he approached me, "Siggy hates bruised tomatoes."

"You seen the greenie?" He chuckled, "He freaking flipped out."

"I did. He's weird."

"Says the shank who passed out when she arrived."

"You just say that cause... You know what? Nevermind."

He shrugged it off and took the basket from me, before going to the kitchen.


"Have you met the greenie yet?" Erin asked, folding the blankets scattered on top of the bunks.

I shook my head. The both of us decided to keep each other company for a while as she continued to tidy up the medhouse. I knew she was tired and I wanted her to rest, but she insisted and wanted me to talk to her so she won't get bored. Although, I was never the type of person who'd say interesting things.

"I had to remove like about 7 shucking splinters from Lee and Eric this morning," Erin complained, "I missed the greenie's arrival because of that."

"The boys really scared him."

"Yeah that's what those morons do best. I've been trying to teach them how to handle newbies but they won't listen. Those dumb idiots."

I giggled while playing with the needles arranged in a steel tray, drawing figures at the surface.

She smiled and then arranged the bottle of pills and syrups on the wooden shelf. "You mind if I braid your hair while your still here?" She asked as she opened the wooden drawer and took out a brush. I nodded happily.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now