27. He's Dangerous

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Erin isolated herself at the extension. I couldn't climb up since she hid the stairs and refused to let it down. So everyone decided to give her space even if I really wanted to talk to her.

Winston and I were now sitting on the same log Alby, Erin and I sat when they gave me a tour around the glade. Jeff gave me a poultice to apply on my bruised jaw.

"Erin won't talk to me."

"Yeah," Winston sighed, "I'm worried about her."

"D-do you think she hates me?"

"Why? You didn't do anything."

"Exactly. I hadn't done anything to prevent this."

"Hey. This wasn't your fault, ok?" He held my shouler.

I exhaled heavily and glanced at the slammer. I wanted to talk to Ben but Alby wouldn't allow me since the last time I talked to someone who was stung, I was nearly strangled to death.

Minho passed by us, not even glancing around. He was probably as upset as Erin considering that Ben was his partner and they've run the maze countless times and always made it back alive.

"You're lucky Ben didn't try to strangle you." Winston said.

"I don't think so. He did punch me."

"Lemme see," Winston carefully tilted my chin up, looking at the nasty mark. "Dang, that's ugly."

"What? You talkin' 'bout my face or-" I tried to lighten up the mood but Winston wasn't having it, making me want to punch myself in the face for being inapproriate like this.

"Ben's one of the reason why I didn't die in the maze. It sucks I couldn't even return the favor."

"It's not your fault." He rubbed my back. "Don't blame yourself."

I noticed Newt was heading towards us, he was carrying a long wooden pole and he appeared to be distressed. He stood in front of Winston and cleared his throat, gesturing at the slammer's direction.

I stared at Winston sadly, silently persuading him not to take part in this.

Winston apologized right before leaving. Newt didn't even look at me as well. He was the second-in-command and he had to follow orders no matter how harsh it would be. Before Newt could leave, I grabbed his arm.

"Maya, let me go."

Never. "You can't d-"

"Ben is my friend, too. But he's dangerous now. There's nothing else we can do." He said firmly yet still avoided looking at me. He pulled his arm away and headed to the maze doors.

I sat back at the log and covered my ears from Ben's helpless cries and begging. I wanted to cry so badly but I forced myself not to, because of spite.

They were now positioned at the maze entrance, each holding their poles and preparing themselves for Ben's depressing fate. I stood up and slowly padded near them. I felt Chuck's presence beside me as he held my shaking hand. Thomas came rushing as well and stood beside Chuck.

"Just listen to me. Just please, listen to me. Please. Minho." Ben grunted as he was dragged by Minho into the maze opening.

Unlike George, Ben's skin was paler and the black protruding veins were more visible. He was breathing heavily as he tried to escape from the ropes tied around him. As he passed by, he halted and glared at me.

"You could've stopped this. You co-" But Minho forcefully dragged him away before he could do something else. I noticed Thomas glancing at me but my gaze was still fixed on Ben. I could see the distraught look on Alby's face and it made me die inside.

Ben dropped to the ground as Minho cut him lose, wheezing and coughing out blood.

"No please, please don't do it." He pleaded. Alby signalled for Minho to toss a small pack into the maze.

Rumbling began and strong winds howled indicating the doors closing. Chuck walked out.

Just when things were about to get worse, Erin suddenly came running and screaming.

"Hold her back!" Alby commanded.

Thomas was quick to react and was the first to grab Erin by the arm. She screamed louder and tried escaping from Thomas's clutch. I helped and hugged her tightly, hoping my weight could bring her down.

"Alby! I can help him. Please let me help him!" Erin screamed. Her eyes were swollen and an endless stream of tears began escaping again. This was the first time I've seen her this broken.

Ben looked up once he heard her voice. "Erin? Erin please help me.... Please."

"Alby just let me fix him," She cried desperately, trying to reach for him, "Please! Don't do this to him."

"Erin," I whispered, "Stop-"

Before I could even say another word, Erin slapped me hard on the face, before she continued calling out Ben's name. I stood helplessly, watching her beg for his life to be spared. Ben was pushed further as the doors inched closer. Once a small gap between the doors was left, Erin was able to spring free from Thomas and instantly bolted in an attempt to save Ben but was already too late as the doors were now fully shut. She crashed unto Alby, who was quick enough to catch her as she fell in his arms, unconscious.

Everyone was silent for a while, still traumatised from the situation.

"He belongs to the maze now." Alby finally spoke before leaving the area, still carrying Erin.

The others started placing their poles against the walls before leaving as well. I knew Ben would never make it, but part of me hoped that I was wrong and somehow, he would survive a night in the maze.

"Maya," Thomas muttered, "what did Ben mean th--"

"Not now, greenie," I cut him off, "Leave me alone."

Newt passed by me, not bothering to make any eye or physical contact. I was hurt at how he avoided to look at me but I understood why.

That night I was relieved that the stairs to our room was hung down. Winston walked me to the extension and I knew he wanted to talk to Erin but I told him to let her be for now. I slowly climbed up the rope stairs lightly knocked on the door before opening it. When I reached our room, Erin was curled up against the wall, her arm wrapped around her tucked knees and her head buried. I silently pulled the stairs up and made my way to my sleeping mat when the floor creaked, waking her up. I sat frozen on the floor and turned to where she was.

"Sorry, Erin. I didn't mean to wake you up." Not reacting, she only leaned on the wall. Tired, sunken eyes and cheeks stained with tears from the nonstop crying the entire afternoon.

"Everyone's worried about you." I spoke sweetly.

"They've seen me like this," She answered, "Especially Alby. He's seen me do worse."

Relieved that she was no longer as berserk as she was this afternoon, I smiled faintly before crawling to her side. Erin sniffled and laid on my lap. A few minutes later, she was already in deep trance. I slowly lifted her head and slid a pillow underneath and wrapped her in a blanket.

But I had no idea that the storm was just getting started.

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