10. Slight Premonition

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"Wait, he did?" Erin squealed that night while we were having dinner. I sat beside Winston while Ben sat next to her, opposite Winston.

"And what did you say?" Ben asked.

I shrugged and continued slurping Frypan's stew which was still hot and almost scald my tongue.

"I knew it! Ha! I shucking knew it." Winston clapped his hands triumpantly and nearly knocked over his plate. Erin hissed and raised a fist near her face, warning him to keep it down. Ben looked at the three of us, confused.

"Ugh, can someone tell me what the shuck you're all talking about?" Ben reacted.

For some reason, Erin and Winston made a bet about how long it would take Newt to tell me about his feelings. Both Erin and Winston couldn't keep their mouths closed while I was unconscious so they told Newt everything about me. And I do mean, EVERYTHING. Winston was confident that Newt would tell me before the greenie next month arrives while Erin insisted that it would take Newt a few more months. Loser has to treat the winner with a back massage at any time of the day.

"Maya, you don't have to deny it. I know you also like our second-in-command." Erin playfully wiggled her eyebrows.

I blushed. "I know he's really nice and cute but I-"

"Yow, Newt! I think Maya w-"

I stood up and immediately slapped my hand across Ben's snitching mouth, a panicked look spreading across my face. I glanced around wildly, checking if someone else overheard our conversation, before letting out a sigh of relief.

"We only know each other for like a month. I don't...I don't think it's that fast." I defended as Ben wrestled my palm from his mouth.

"Well, I think you're wrong," Erin implied, "You've known Newt for more than a month. Stop making things up."

I glanced at Winston who was now just staring at his food while Ben agreed to his girlfriend's statement.


Two months and 1 week passed by smoothly. There were thankfully no major accidents and the next thing I knew, George was already a runner. Today, Justin and him had to run the maze and start mapping the newest section, according to Ben when I overheard his conversation with Erin yesterday.

"SOMEONE'S staring at you from the gardens."

"Winston, shut up." I blushed while picking up a few straws that littered the front of the Blood house. The slicers were not the cleanest bastards here in the glade and I always had to pick up after their mess.

But the seemingly normal day vanished once it was starting to get late and the two runners weren't back yet. I was the first one to reach the entrance of the maze, waiting nervously, tempted to go after and check out what happened. Soon, the gladers gathered at the doors, patiently waiting for Justin and George.

Something was surging inside me. It was an unexplainable sensation, like hysteria stretching all throughout my body, as if I could see right through the towering maze walls. There was this slightly audible screaming that I had no idea where and why. I shook my head wildy, trying to get rid of the noise. I glanced around the others to check if they also heard the screams. But it seemed that I was the only one aware of it. The strange sensation felt like a forewarning. My eyes widened. As my lips trembled, I mumbled something I myself would never understand why,

"Justin's dead."

Erin glared at me. "What?"

"Alby, we have to send someone after," She pleaded, "We can't just stand here and wait."

Alby crossed his arms and stared anxiously into the maze. Ben firmly held unto Erin's hand, incase she'd try to do something stupid like run into the maze. When I saw a familiar silhouette sprinting towards us, it felt like a huge stone was taken away on top of me.

"George, what the shuck happened?" Minho bent down as George crushed to the ground, sweating heavily and panting loudly.

"It got loco out there," George coughed while trying to catch his breath, "We got lost and something was-"

"So where the hell's Justin?"

George shook his head. "Sorry hermano."

"Are you sure George? Or did you just leave the poor guy out there alive?" Gally asked as he and Minho helped George back to his feet. The runner looked terrified and his body was shaking. Large beads of sweat trickled down his now pale face.

George nodded before throwing up on the ground. The huddled gladers jerked away from the mess. Erin asked George to be brought directly to the medhouse although he insisted at first before dropping again to the ground, unconscious.

Minho was about to head into the maze when he was abruptly halted by the rumbling of the now closing maze doors.

"Oh shit." I heard Ben mumble.

No words could describe exactly how I felt that moment. It was an unusual and unfathomable connection. But I was certain that I felt something. I felt death and I had no idea why.

I rested alone at the Homestead extension that night. Erin refused to leave George despite Alby telling her to get some rest, she wouldn't listen. I stared at the ceilings, trying to make sense of what just happened. It took everyone by surprise when I mentioned that Justin was dead. I didn't witness it but I felt it. While I stood near the maze doors, for a second, I could feel Justin's presence in me, being plunged into darkness, like something stabbed through my body and left me alone to bleed. I was about to close my eyes when I heard the door creak open. Seconds later I turned to the side; Erin slumped groggily on her bed.

I cleared my throat. "You ok?"

"Maya? Why are you still up?"

"I can't sleep."

"It's gettin' late. Go to bed."

"Well, I just thought that m-maybe y-you'd want someone to talk to."

She began to take off her shirt. "How'd you know that Justin was dead?"

"I just...I just felt it. But I could be wrong."

"What do you mean? You weren't in there."

I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. "I don't know. I don't get it either. I thought it was just a gut feeling."

"What did you feel exactly?"

"There was running, maybe pushing, arguing, more running and then-" I paused once we heard the loud shrieks coming from the maze- "then someone getting stabbed."

"So George killed Justin?"

"No, no not that." I shook my head. "Something metal. A creature. Dark and-"

"Maya, are you saying it was a griever? But grievers don't come out on the day. Well, atleast that's what Ben told me."

"It was just really b-blurry. I really think Justin was killed by whatever creature was in there."

"Are you sure? Because Alby's not gonna let that slip any time soon, did you know that?"

I nodded. "Do you think Justin will make it?"

"You said it yourself, he's dead. And even if he wasn't, no one survives a night in the maze," She replied sadly before pulling the blanket up to her chest, "He's already gone; nothing we can do."

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now