20. Not so Lucky

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A week had passed and the glade carried on like usual. I didn't feel the surge which was a good sign since there were no accidents that happened recently. My job as a track-hoe gradually became tolerable despite Zart's unnecessary naggings. Newt was by my side all the time and I just let him be. Since Winston was busier, the blond boy would guard me once I was at the showers since Chuck frequently pulled pranks there.

Everyone was having lunch one afternoon when the runners that day came back surprisingly early from the maze. Alby immediately dismissed himself and headed to the maproom, Erin also catching up to Ben, hugging him.

"Why are they back already?" Chuck asked.

"No idea." Winston sounded bothered as his gaze remained on Ben and Erin. "I mean, that's not a bad sign, right?"

"Maybe they got bored." Chuck added.

Something was wrong but there were no signs of forewarning that I felt. Chuck could be right. They were just surrounded by concrete and vines, nothing beautiful about that. 

"Do you sense something wrong?" Winston gently patted my shoulder. I shook my head.

After lunch, I snuck again near the maproom, slowly placing my ears on the walls of the room, listening to their conversations.

"Of course it doesn't make sense. Nothing here does."

"I say we bring her back out there."

"Bring her back? Minho, you know she could barely manage."

"Ben's right. Only the fastest, strongest ones are allowed out there. Maya's neither of those."

"Hank, buddy, do you think we don't know about that? We need her to get back out there."

"So what if she can no longer run while you're still far from the doors?"

"We're not abandoning her out there. End of story."

"Minho, once you get all the info you need, you could just leave her behind incase-"

"Listen Hank, if you say another goddamn word, I swear I'll strangle you in your sleep."

"That's enough!"


"So what the hell do we do now?"

"Your call Alby."

"This discussion will remain in this room, for the moment, understood?"

"Don't even think of telling your girlfriend."

"Shut the hell up, Minho!"

I took a deep breath as I slowly detached myself from the wall.

There goes the last hope of finding a way out.

But what were we supposed to do if we lived here our entire lives? If they kept sending greenies every month, this place would be crammed up in a few years.

I headed back to the gardens and noticed that Newt seemed unfocused during the rest of the afternoon so I didn't bother him. I left the gardens and went to the lookout tower; hopefully no one would notice that I was there.

I was wrong.

Minho didn't hesitate to pester me. Bastard wouldn't leave me alone and wanted to talk.

"You know I can't go back there."

"I know. But what if I told you that it was Alby's idea this time." Minho replied.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now