11. Watch Gone Wrong

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Breakfast the next morning was dead silent. I sat between Newt and Winston but none of us uttered a word. I lost my appetite. Although I never ate properly ever since I arrived at the glade, yet I seldom felt hugry.

Clint and Erin were at the medhouse at an early hour to watch over George, who was still unconscious. When I finally decided to eat, the strange surge was back again. I felt something screaming in my head and a strong force wrapping around my neck. Being too immersed in my trance resulted to my heavy breathings being unnoticed by myself.

"You alright?" Newt placed a hand on my back.

I didn't reply. I stared at my plate for a while until I sensed someone else standing infront of our table.

"How'd you know about Justin getting killed?"

I looked up to face Gally, his strong and muscular arms crossed. His deadly stare made me flinch in my seat. Not wanting to linger at the moment, I stood up and left. Ignoring Winston and Newt both calling for me.

I quickly made my way to the medhouse and found Erin, resting on an empty bunk beside George. She sat up once I entered the room.

"Where's Clint?" I asked.

"I told him to eat or his rumbling stomach would wake George up."

I slowly approached George whose hands were strapped to his bunk. His chest was rising up and down at a disturbing pace. Black veins were visible in most parts of his body.

"He got stung. Frypan found a syringe that came up with you in the box that was labeled serum. We didn't know if it helped but I shucking hope it did." Erin explained.

She was obviously exhausted, yet she still wore a smile on her face despite how bleak the situation was.

"You should eat. I'll watch him." I suggested even if I knew it was a bad idea. But I had an unusual urge to talk to the stung greenie. He knows something I don't.

"No. I'll just wait for Jeff and Clint to come back."

"You need to rest. And eat."

"I'm fine, Maya. I promise."

"Please. I want...I want to help."

"I don't thi-"


"Ok fine," Erin finally agreed, "But I won't be long. If anything suspicious happens, just call me, ok?"

I sat beside George after Erin left, observing his current state. I lifted his shirt and gasped at the sight of his stomach where he got stung. George began coughing loudly and I bolted up, ready to run.

"I need water." George's eyes slowly opened as he heaved and moved his arms. "Please."

I headed to a table in the corner with a jug and carefully filled an empty glass. Dirty, used cups were scattered across the table, some still half-filled with water, some with Gally's concoction that it took me a few seconds to finally find a clean one. When I turned around, I gasped, choking on my own spit. George was now standing in front of me, the ropes dangling by his hands. I stumbled backwards, dropping the glass on the floor.

The terrifying cold burning in his eyes made my stomach lurch and my feet go weak. He was sweating, looking at me like I just attempted to murder him while he was asleep. I was unable to speak as I was still trying to ponder what the hell has gotten to him. George grunted before suddenly lunging towards me.

Before I could even react, his strong hands grasped my neck, squeezing it tightly. Small ragged gasps escape my mouth as I desperately struggled to breathe.

"You're not supposed to be here!"

I dug my nails in his hands, trying to dislodge him. I wished I ate breakfast a while ago so I would've had more strength to defend myself from this bastard.

"I begged to be spared from the maze, but you, YOU pleaded to be put up here!"

I kept gasping for air but to no avail. It was like choking in my own fear and panic, climbing on an unending ladder while drowning.

"You stupid bitch! I would kill just to be in your place!"

He slammed me hard on the wall, raising me higher. The room rumbled at the impact of my body colliding at the hard surface.

Unsatisfied, he rammed me again, harder this time.


And again

And again

Leaving an obvious concussion

I wriggled my hanging feet and aimed for the spot in his stomach where the wound was, making him wince and loosen his grip for a second. And with my remaining strength, I screamed out Erin's name.

"Shut up you li'l shit!" He snarled, "You're one of them. You deserve to die."

Once I felt life slipping away, my hands fell limp on the sides as energy escapes, slowly loosing consciousness. My mind grew hazy and there was nothing I could do to save myself.

So this is how I die?

I shut my eyes, waiting for the inevitable. Then I heard voices and George's hands were no longer on my neck. I slumped to the floor motionless and felt arms wrap around me. I slowly forced my eyes open, my spinning vision still adjusting.

"I'm so sorry. I should've never left you."

I looked up and Erin was now beside me, craddling me close. I turned and saw George being held down by Winston, Gally and Newt. As more people entered the room, George began fighting back and he appeared angrier than before. He screamed and broke free. Erin shrieked as he lunged back to me and grabbed my leg until Alby arrived and knocked him out with a chair's leg.

I stared blankly at their faces, not moving a single muscle. I locked eyes with Newt, looking pale and frightened as ever.


"What happened?"

"Maya? Hey! Can you hear me?"

"She's not responding."

"Yeah, no shit."


"Erin do something!"

Everything became fuzzy. Then I saw nothing at all.


'Newt's Pov:

"You need to rest. I can take it from here."

"Thank you Newt." Erin smiled faintly as she lifted her hands from Maya's forehead. She never left her side since the incident and her eyes were swollen from lack of sleep. She sloppily left the hut and I was left alone with Maya, still unconscious.

I slowly traced my fingers on the bruises on her neck. Three days and there were still no signs of her waking up. I clutched her hand and kissed them. As for George, he eventually tried to attack again and Alby had no choice but to put a knife on his temple.

Her screams were enough to alert the whole glade when George attacked her. Erin and Winston came sprinting first to the med-jack hut. When we arrived, we expected the worst. My heart shattered at the sight of her tiny body being pinned to the wall, hanging from George's hand.

Maya's finger twitched. Slowly and reluctantly, she blinked her eyes open. She whimpered and I held her hand tighter.

"Hey, it's alright. You're safe now." I kissed her hand.

She tried to get up but winced in pain everytime she moved. I positioned myself behind her and supported her body. I wrapped my arms around her waist and nuzzled on her shoulders, carefully planting kisses on her neck, hoping it could help her heal. Her warmth was enough to make my world stop. So this what being in love is like. I had longed for it and now I can't bare to lose it--lose this thing that made me feel complete.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now