12. Fiery

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'Maya's PoV:

Being wrapped around Newt's arms felt like I was in a world away from chaos. The uncanny feeling stretches throughout my entire body, making me feel safe and calm.

"How long was I out?"

"3 days. A greenie arrived today too." Newt chuckled as he ran his fingers on my arms, sending shivers throughout my tired body.

Newt told me what happened while I was asleep. The mysterious syringe wasn't effective on George, for some reason it made him worse. I felt bad for him. It wasn't his fault that he got stung but bastard did try to kill me. And those angry and harsh words he said to me will eventually retain in my memory forever.

"George told me that I was not supposed to be here. That I begged to, to go in. W-why w-would I do that? I h-hate this place."

"Sshhh. It's ok." Newt hugged me tighter. "It's ok. He didn't mean what he said."

"He did." I leaned forward but slumped back to Newt's body as my neck ached. "He meant it."

Before Newt could reply, the door suddenly flew open and Minho and Alby stormed in.

"You shanks look comfortable." Minho snickered. I rolled my eyes.

"How're you feeling?" Alby asked me.


"We just want to ask you 'bout something. And I'm going to be frank with you, Maya. The runners retraced Justin's tracks. Do you think you know where he got killed?"

I recalled the strange surge I felt during that day; Justin and George being chased by a griever, Justin panicking and getting lost. I still didn't know how I was able to "see" them.

"I have never been out there."

"Cut the shit," Alby said impatiently, "No beating around the bush."

"Well there was like a big, red 5 on the wall."

Minho's eyes widened. He made his way towards us and sat down on the empty bunk beside. "You're right, shank. That's where we found his body. Section 5."

"But how? You weren't there." Alby looked suspicious.

Yeah no shit. I said to myself.

I huddled closer to Newt and felt my heart beating faster. Honestly, I had no idea why I saw Justin in the maze. Alby and the others constantly asking me about this foreseeing I had was making me more anxious and terrified.

"Can the two of you bugger off for now? Just bloody ask her after she recovers." Newt finally chimed in and motioned for Minho and Alby to go away. Alby nodded and left the room, Minho following along.


I stood inches away from the bonfire, mesmerized by the crackling and woody fragrance of smoke. I took a sip of Gally's recipe which surprisingly tasted different tonight. Most of the gladers were busy dancing, playing drums and cheering. For the first time since I got here, I felt happy watching these bastards. I no longer minded the noise and smell.

Erin and Ben were cuddling on a corner and Newt was busy introducing the newbie, Jack, to everyone.

"Jack, this is Maya." Newt held my shoulder and smiled. "She's the other half of the sister club." His comment made me almost choke on my drink and I tried to remain casual.

"What happened to your neck?" The greenie pointed.

"Why'd you wanna know?" I replied before taking another sip.

The Misfire:Book 1 (Newt || A TMR Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now