☆.。.:* pretty boy .。.:*☆

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"hey jisung . . . . . . . uhm . . . . . . . . . there's this guy that's been bothering me but in a good way not a bad way" 

"what's the name of this so called guy?" 

"that's the thing . . . . . . . . . . . i don't know"

"give him a nickname"

"he's really good looking . . . . . . . . he's on the basketball team and-"

"ahh~ changbin?" 

"the short one? no no no. he's tall and he has black hair"

"oh yeah. you probably won't be a good match for you either cause he's too short for you"

"he's in my math class and he always falls asleep and its . . . . . . . . . . c-cute"

"oh~ pretty boy?" 

"who's pretty boy?"

"hwang hyunjin"

♥*♡+:。.。  。.。:+♡*♥

welcome~ restarting a new seungjin fanfic and i swear i will keep it if i don't come up with anymore ideas + new cover cause why not? hope you enjoyed the little preview and will support this fanfic like all the other ones. i've been working on this one so i've thrown aside my woochan and my minsung + changlix but i promise i will update them as soon as possible! spring break is in a week + stray kids are debuting in two days which i cannot wait sjsjd. well lets get this preview thing to . . . . . . . . . . . 25+ votes? 

♥*♡+:。.。  。.。:+♡*♥

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