☆.。.:* like that sun .。.:*☆

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"mini authors note"

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"mini authors note"

i found more seungjin gifs and i've never been more proud of myself

are you proud?

"3rd person"

"ah seungmin-ssi" mr. kim called seungmin over after class.

"u-uhm . . . . . yes sir?" seungmin asked, bowing politely.

"no need for that now seungmin" mr. kim said and chuckled.

"well what i was going to tell you is . . . . . . . . . . . . since you're the top student here, would you mind tutoring a student that is failing in my math class? only if you want to of course" mr. kim asked.

seungmin thought about it for a second before replying with a yes, then getting the information and the student's name and address.

"you can meet him after school and you can study together and make a schedule. the maximum is at least 5 hours per week" mr. kim said.

seungmin nodded, then bowing to leave the classroom. he walked looking down at the name of the student, then bumping into someone. seungmin lifted his head and smiled, hugging the older.

"i was looking for you everywhere" hyunjin said and smiled.

"sorry hyunjinnie! i was just pulled over cause mr. kim wanted me to tutor this kid" seungmin said, showing the older the paper.

"hm . . . . . . . . . . . . min hyunwoo?" hyunjin muttered to himself.

"do you know him?" seungmin asked.

"let me ask minho. he knows a lot of people in this school" hyunjin said, grabbing seungmin's wrist and pulling him towards the table they sat at.

"you're late seungmin" jisung said and rolled his eyes.

"minho hyung do you know a min hyunwoo?" seungmin asked.

"uhhhh you mean that guy over there?" minho asked, pointing towards the guy in light gray hair across the lunchroom.

"y-you mean-"

"there is no way you're tutoring him"

"authors note"

ayo. i opened my stray kids album and i'm happy with my seungmin pc ( cause ya'll think he's my twin brother ), pre-debut chan in aussie ( god damn he looks like chan no duh -.- ) and my woojin, chan and minho photocard. i also got a jeongin poster which was lit.

so people from my 'chemistry' book said that i looked like seungmin's long lost sister or seungmin's twin or a girl version of seungmin so prepare for your eyes to be blinded by my crusty ass face.

but first . . . . . . .

> i'm giving you guys time to think and get out of this chapter before scrolling all the way god dammit you gotta get your meme kids

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> i'm giving you guys time to think and get out of this chapter before scrolling all the way god dammit you gotta get your meme kids

okay honestly now though ->

i mean i don't look like seungmin but he is my bias wrecker soooooooooo

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i mean i don't look like seungmin but he is my bias wrecker soooooooooo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  .

well this is the end of the chapter and i hope you guys enjoy this story so far! i am really thankful for 400+ votes and 2.5k+ reads! + 700+ followers!

where do ya'll keep coming from honestly?

and last but not least.

ayo. wasssup.

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