☆.。.:* i would .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

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"3rd person"

"-nd he cute!" winwin said and smiled happily.

the three, winwin, doyoung and seungmin, had a big conversation about their "crushes" and winwin was the first one to start. he came to korea a few months ago so the two thought that winwin's broken korean was cute.

"our little winwin is improving day by day- oh i forgot to tell you that sicheng sings really good!" doyong said and slapped seungmin's thigh.

"awwwwwwwwww" seungmin said and fake cried like a proud mom.

"winwin not good" winwin said and pouted.

"of course you do! that's why all the guys and girls like you" seungmin said and smiled happily.

winwin blushed and the thought of his crush made him blush.

"anddddddddddd that is why he likes yuta-ssi" doyoung said and grinned.

"doyoung hyung~ shh~" winwin shouted softly and put a finger against his lips.

"oh come on sicheng. almost everyone in our group knows plus seungmin besides yuta" doyoung said and rolled his eyes.

"so he told everyone??" seungmin asked.

"of course he did. this kiddo doesn't know much korean but he knows what a crush is" doyoung said and chuckled.

"why did i switch schools? now i'm missing on all this drama" seungmin said and sulked.

"but it was better that you switched schools" doyoung said and winwin nodded.

"why?" seungmin wondered.

"cause you got to get this amazing tall tree good looking basketball player hot visual ass boyfriend material mr. hwang hyunjin obviously" doyoung said and rolled his eyes.

seungmin giggled at the way doyoung described hyunjin and the reaction on winwin's face since he barely knew any of what the words meant.

"exactly" doyoung said and smiled.

"man it feels nice to be at my old high school again. not that i don't like the other one" seungmin said and grinned.

"winwin like yuta. yuta like winwin. yuta plus winwin is yuwin!" sicheng said and smiled, clapping his hands together.

"sicheng hyung is my hyung but he acts like a child with limited knowledge on korean" seungmin said and giggled.

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