☆.。.:* man in a movie .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

seungmin walked with hyunwoo to the gym, later that day after they were studying in the library. he saw jisung on his phone while waiting for him and scared him to death, releasing his powerful vocals.

"w-what is he doing here?" jisung whispered low enough so only seungmin could hear.

"he's someone i'm tutoring" seungmin said and smiled.

"do you even know who he is??" jisung asked, still whispering.

"hyunwoo?" seungmin replied.

"yeah exactly! do you know who he is?????" jisung asked.

"a guy i'm tutoring?" seungmin replied and shrugged.

"oh my fuc- seungmin- he's hyunjin's ex and he's a player" jisung said and rolled his eyes.

"w-wait wha-"

"yeah exactly so why are you even tutoring him???" jisung asked.

"c-cause mr. park wants me to help him" seungmin said.

"yeah you should probably say you're busy or something cause that guy is not-"

"don't worry jisung. i'll be cautious" seungmin said, reassuring his friend.

"yeah yeah. i'll keep an eye on him. not gonna trust him yet buy now lets go to the game" jisung said and smiled.

seungmin grabbed hyunwoo's hand out of a habit and dragged him along while jisung dragged him. they all sat in the front row, seungmin in front of hyunjin's eat and jisung in front of minho's seat.

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