☆.。.:* i hope .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

"wake up beautiful we're here" hyunjin whispered in seungmin's ear.

the younger groaned and rubbed his eyes before following hyunjin off the bus sleepily. he'd woken up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and couldn't sleep. that was many hours lost of rest for him.

"you seem to dead today seungmin. anything wrong?" hyunjin asked worryingly.

"nightmare" seungmin muttered, leaning his head against hyunjin's shoulder.

"aw my poor baby. i promise our date will make you feel better" hyunjin said, smiling at seungmin happily.

seungmin had a feeling it was going to be great but why were they walking towards the school? hyunjin opened the door of the school, letting seungmin in before closing the door behind him. 

"why are we here?" seungmin asked, looking around for any sign of a 'date'.

"i wanna take you somewhere before our date. somewhere important" hyunjin replied, dragging seungmin to the gym.

"why here?" seungmin questioned.

"stop asking questions and you'll remember why soon" hyunjin said and walked seungmin up the stairs.

it took hyunjin a while to find the actual spot since the gym was so big.

"shit what was the number" hyunjin muttered.

seungmin stood around cluelessly until he realized what hyunjin meant. the first time they met. the gym. 

"hyunjinnie! here!" seungmin called out, pointing to the seat he sat at normally.

hyunjin looked back and muttered something.

"i was far from close" hyunjin said and sat in the seat beside seungmin's.

"you're so cheesy" seungmin said and giggled.

"what do you mean cheesy?" hyunjin asked.

"cause to took me to the place where i slept and you gave me your hoodie" seungmin replied.

"yeah i know. that was the point wasn't it?" hyunjin asked and chuckled.

"idiot" seungmin mumbled and hit hyunjin's shoulder.

"ow ow- stop hitting me nerd" hyunjin whined, running away from seungmin.

"what was that?! your first impression of me was nerd?" seungmin yelled, chasing hyunjin around the gym.

"wait what- no!" hyunjin yelled and bumped into the wall while looking back at seungmin.

"i got you! i win!" seungmin cheered.

"i give up" hyunjin muttered.

"you wanna know my first impression of you?" seungmin asked, helping hyunjin up.

"hot" hyunjin confidently said while smiling proudly.

"ew no- not that you aren't-" 

hyunjin started to chase seungmin, who was screaming, and laughed.

"come back i'm not gonna chase you anymore" hyunjin said and sat back down in a random seat.

"i have trust issues" seungmin said and sat back down beside hyunjin.

"number one"

"pretty boy"

"they match don't they?" hyunjin asked.

"no they don't" seungmin said.

"you're supposed to say yes. thanks for ruining the moment" hyunjin said.

"whoops my bad" seungmin said and giggled.

"you're the number one in my heart" hyunjin whispered to seungmin and giggled.

"you're the pretty boy in my life" seungmin replied back.

"bleh so cheesy. not my type" they both said and laughed together.

"authors note"

well the ending is bad as always and sorry for being dead for so long. sorry if there is any grammar that doesn't make sense. i'm on summer vacation now and i might update more often. i've been lazy the past few weeks and i've been reading and binge watching stuff. i hope you did enjoy this fanfic and if you do, please vote/comment and look forward to my new seungjin book!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2018 ⏰

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