☆.。.:* out of my mind .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

after school, seungmin shyly walked up to hyunwoo, looking around to make sure hyunjin wasn't there to scold him. 

"u-uhm . . . . . . you're m-min hyunwoo right?" seungmin asked, tugging on his sleeve.

"yeah. you must be number one?" hyunwoo asked and chuckled.

seungmin had to admit that hyunwoo was good looking but also, not as good looking as hyunjin. hyunwoo had dark brown hair and he was tall, just like hyunjin, but seungmin didn't know him that well. he was a failing student and was probably number 1000 in the rank of the school.

"u-uh . . . . yeah. mr. kim asked me to tutor you and i was wondering what time you are available" seungmin said and smiled.

"tutor? o-oh yeah right. what about today? i'm free whatever time you are" hyunwoo said and winked at seungmin.

seungmin knew he couldn't fall for tricks that hyunwoo would do. hyunwoo was probably second place as the school's heartthrob after hyunjin. maybe he was the complete opposite of hyunjin. instead of being sweet, kind and a person that actually does work, he was a flirt, doesn't care about his grades and has girls following him everywhere.

"u-uhm . . . . . . . . . your place? or mine? i could give you my address" seungmin said.

"yeah sure. you have mine right?" hyunwoo asked.

"yush! and uhm . . . . . . . . . 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm every night?" seungmin asked.

"yeah i'm chill with that. not chill with the stupid tutoring though" hyunwoo said and groaned.

seungmin wasn't excited either. the cuddling and the kisses from hyunjin won't be available at night anymore which made seungmin sad. he wanted to make his teacher proud of him and that he could be a role model but he didn't have a good feeling tutoring someone hyunjin hated.

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