☆.。.:* i wait .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

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"3rd person"

seungmin ran to the hospital, quicker than ever hoping that hyunjin would be alright. tears flowed down his cheeks. he caught up with jisung who lived much closer to the hospital and ran there with him, reaching the entrance and running up the stairs.

"oh my god slow down seungmin" jisung said and panted heavily while walking up the stairs.

seungmin didn't stop until he found the room number and opened the door quickly, bumping into minho.

"slow down seungmin-"

"s-seungmin . . . . ." hyunjin muttered softly, looking at the teary younger who immediately ran into his arms.

"h-hyung" seungmin said while choking on his tears.

"don't cry" hyunjin said softly, petting seungmin's hair while the younger was crying.

hyunjin felt bad. he knew he wasn't gonna leave seungmin all by himself. he loved him to death, not wanting to be apart from him at all. seungmin poked hyunjin's head which is now replaced with a bandage from it bleeding earlier.

"ow. don't touch that baby" hyunjin said and took seungmin's hand and intertwined it with his.

the door of the room started to open and in came people which hyunjin was surprised for.


"changbin i can here you" hyunjin said and rolled his eyes.

"why hello there? and how are you doing?" changbin asked sarcastically.

"better than you" hyunjin said and stuck out his tongue.

"man i told you if-"

"i don't wanna hear it" hyunjin said and sighed.

"a-are you gonna leave me?" seungmin muttered and pouted.

hyunjin thought about it for a second. would he?

"of course not. never. well unless that guy wants me to" hyunjin said and kissed seungmin's pouty lips.

"b-but you'll still be my boyfriend, r-right?" seungmin asked.

"i will always be" hyunjin said and giggled.

"mY CHEESESTICK" felix yelled, trying to grab the cheesestick from changbin.

"yah! i haven't ate anything yet so mine!" changbin said and ate the whole cheesestick by himself.

"m-my cheesestick" felix said and pouted.

"here you can have mine" jisung said and handed felix his cheesestick.

"thanks jisung!" felix said and walked over to the seat next to seungmin and sat down, eating it.

"hey hyung!" seungmin said and smiled.

"hey bro" felix said and waved.

"seungmin are you hungry?" hyunjin asked, cuddling with seungmin.

"nuuu~ i ate ramen a few hours ago" seungmin said and snuggled into hyunjin's chest.

"gay at its finest" minho said and smirked.

"as if you and jisung aren't gay" changbin said and rolled his eyes.

"you the gayest" hyunjin said and rolled his eyes at minho.

"minHOE" felix said and laughed.

"well . . . . . look who's not gonna save you anymore" minho said and stuck out his tongue.

"wowowowowowowow" hyunjin said and pretended to shook.

the three couples had a gay night, talking to the others and even sleeping at the hospital too. although hyunjin's head hurt a lot, he was happy to be with his boyfriend and his friends.

"seungmin~" hyunjin whispered softly.

"yes?" seungmin asked sleepily.

"if i do leave, would you wait for me?" hyunjin asked worryingly.

"i will! i will wait! i'll wait for you to come back!" seungmin said and smiled.

"if i am forced to leave . . . . . . . . ." hyunjin muttered.

"whatever happens . . . . . . . i'll wait. promise!" seungmin said and kissed hyunjin's cheek making him smile.

"authors note"

i have a math state test tomorrow and look who's gonna fail :3

and i have a serious issue. i am currently out of stock in seungjin gifs soooooo i can't update without em and i don't wanna use the same ones again so rip me

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