☆.。.:* i'm serious .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

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"3rd person"

seungmin met hyunjin under the cherry blossom tree in the clam and empty park as hyunjin requested him to do. he looked around, waiting for the older to come.

"why would he even want to meet me here?" seungmin asked himself, playing with his sweater sleeves.

he then suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a chin, resting on his shoulder.

"uwah~ hyunjinnie~" seungmin said and hugged the older.

"did you wait long?" hyunjin asked and smiled.

"nu~ i just came a few minutes ago" seungmin said and smiled.

"good. i wouldn't want you to be waiting long" hyunjin said and chuckled, letting go of his arms around seungmin's waist and taking his hand.

"h-hyunjin?" seungmin muttered and blushed.

"u-uhm . . . . . . . you know i like you a lot right?" hyunjin asked, awkwardly rubbing his nape.

"y-yeah" seungmin said and avoided eye contact with hyunjin, hoping that he wouldn't blush anymore.

"i-i- will you go out with me?-"


seungmin groaned, rolling around on his bed, turning around on his bed. yes, he had changbin's "matroshyka" on replay as his ringtone cause he hated that sound firs of all, and second, it wakes him up somehow.

"it was just a dream" seungmin said and clutched on his heart.

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