☆.。.:* pouring .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

"so about your abroad studying" his dad mentioned while they were eating their dinner.

hyunjin choked on his ramen. he knew his dad would bring up this subject.

"w-what about it?" hyunjin asked, wiping his lips with his napkin.

"just wondering if you were interested" his dad said and shrugged.

"oh . . . . . . . . okay" hyunjin said and continued to eat his ramen.

"your mother and i were thinking of sending you abroad to study" his dad said, clearing his throat.


"just your opinion" his dad said, hoping he'd say yes.

"i-i can't" hyunjin said.

"hm? why? is it because of that boy?" his dad asked raising his voice.

"n-no" hyunjin lied, biting his lip.

"then what?!" his dad asked and scoffed.

"m-my basketball games and-"

"you can go to the US and study there" his dad said.


"what else?" his dad said and sighed.


"of course its about that boy again" his dad said and rolled his eyes.

"i-i can't leave him" hyunjin said as tears started forming in his eyes.

"everything is about that boy! are you dating?! what did i tell you about your dating restrictions?!" his dad angrily asked, standing up and slamming the table.

"we aren't-"

"don't you dare lie to me! i know where you've been going. its not like i'm that stupid" his dad said.

"i can't leave him-"

"i told you that you aren't allowed to date guys. only girls. a pretty one. not a boy like him" his dad said.

"b-but why?" hyunjin asked.

"cause i don't want anyone that's gay in the family" his dad said.

"and what if he's gay? he's the love of my life! my everything! i can't live without him!-"

"i said shut up!" his dad yelled, taking his beer bottle and smashing it on hyunjin's head.

hyunjin fell to the ground, making kami bark at his dad.

"you mutt shut up will you?!" his dad scolded the dog, walking out of the house, letting hyunjin lay there unconscious.

blood dripping out from the piece of class that cut the top of his head, making the floor all red. kami barked and walked out the door, barking happily to see minho taking a walk.

"hey kami. what's wrong?" minho asked, petting the panicked dog.

minho didn't understand dog language so he went inside the house instead.

"where is hyunjin anyways- hyunjin!" minho yelled, running up to him and checking his unconscious friend. 

there was no sign of movement and minho quickly called the ambulance and seungmin once he was in the ambulance along with jisung.

"hello?" seungmin asked on the other line.

"seungmin. hospital. now" 

"authors note" 

short but i like it. man this is getting all sad ;-;

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