☆.。.:* i need somebody .。.:*☆

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^ seungmin's hand btw 

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^ seungmin's hand btw 

"3rd person"

seungmin woke up the next morning which felt like forever. all he was doing was waiting for hyunjin to come home. he eyes opened slowly, getting used to the light until he saw a human body next to him which seemed too familiar making him shriek and fall off the bed.

"holy shit-"

"are you okay?" the older asked.

seungmin opened his mouth in awe, still in a state of shock. he couldn't help but jump onto the taller and hug him- and he did.

"hyunjinnie!" seungmin exclaimed and got back up to hug him.

"did you get hurt falling?" hyunjin asked and chuckled.

"i did but its okay!" seungmin said acting positive as he dug his head into the crook of hyunjin's neck.

"i came back earlier than expected" hyunjin said, kissing seungmin all around his face.

"i missed you! a lot!" seungmin whined.

"well we did have skype calls every so i don't know why you still missed me kiddo" hyunjin said, petting the younger's hair.

"i mean your cuddles and hugs and kisses idiot" seungmin said and rolled his eyes.

"sassy much?" hyunjin asked and giggled.

"it was seven days" seungmin said.

"i know it was. how about catching up on the things i missed?" hyunjin asked, giving seungmin another kiss.

the two caught up on the things they missed and hyunjin told seungmin about everything that happened during the basketball tournament. they ate breakfast together and stayed at home the whole day and cuddle.

"i'm bored" seungmin said and pouted.

"what do you want to do then?" hyunjin asked, looking at the younger.

"a date!" seungmin said and poked hyunjin's cheek.

"we'll save that for tomorrow" hyunjin replied, hugging the younger tightly in his arms.

"authors note"

some short chapter but i'm thinking of ending this fic in the next chapter. i got some ideas for a new seungjin fic cause seungjin is life :3 and if you answer the question below then that would help me lots! 

choose the next topic for my seungjin fic :

- supernatural ( ghosts, spirits, gods, magic, angel shit etc. )

- vampires/werewolves ( does this correspond with supernatural sjsjd )

- humor ( i got an idea for this. so basically seungmin and hyunjin enjoy airdropping pictures to everyone who has their airdrop on their phone and seungmin accidentally airdrops a picture of himself to hyunjin :P )

- fluff/normal fanfiction ( idk what to do for this )


enjoy choosing and if you want me to use a topic for another ship then request it :3

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