☆.。.:* lean on me .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

everyday since the basketball game last week, seungmin's been visiting the gym everyday afterschool to watch the basketball practice. seungmin never told jisung or any of his friends that he liked this "pretty boy" or even he watched him and the others practice everyday.

unlike the other fans, he took a seat near the top of the gym, doing his homework and studying for his exams while watching the game go on. 

one day, seungmin was exhausted from all that work he studied for and yet he decided to go to the gym. he walked through the doors and bumped into someone.

"a-are you okay?" the taller asked.

seungmin looked up and immediately blushed, his cheeks turning a hot pink color.

"y-yeah i'm f-fine" seungmin said and stuttered.

"i'm sehyoon" he said and waved.

[ did ya'll think it was hyunjin? nope hAH ]

"i'm seungmin~" seungmin said and smiled.

"woah what's number one doing in the gym?" sehyoon asked and bit his lip, smiling.

"j-just studying and doing homework" seungmin said, blushing at being called 'number one'.

"oh yeah i don't think anyone is in there unless they decide to show up to practice late" sehyoon said and waved before leaving.

seungmin took a seat in the front row at the top and looked down to see hyunjin coming out of the locker room. he watched for a while until his eyes became were on a verge of closing which made him fall asleep.

[ okay so you know how when you don't get enough sleep and your eyes dun wanna open? yeah that was basically what "verge of closing" ? meant ]

hyunjin who was throwing the basketball into the hoops, looked up to see if anyone was watching him and saw someone in a oversized pink hoodie sleeping.

"hm . . . . who is that?" hyunjin muttered, picking up his basketball and throwing it into a bin, then running up the steps.

he reached the row where seungmin was sitting in and took a closer look at who it was.

"number one?" hyunjin mumbled and sat down beside seungmin, placing seungmin's head on his shoulder.

"what're you even doing here? shouldn't you be studying or something?" hyunjin muttered, softly petting seungmin's hair.

"what am i even doing?" hyunjin asked himself.

haknyeon came into the gym and saw hyunjin letting someone lean on his shoulder. 

"bro what're you doing?" haknyeon asked and chuckled.

"uhhhh letting someone i don't know lean on my shoulder because he looks cute?" hyunjin asked.

"thats number one idiot, kim seungmin" haknyeon said and giggled.

seungmin's been sleeping hyunjin's shoulder for a while when hyunjin could've been practicing but hyunjin didn't mind.

"wah this is a new side of hyunjin" haknyeon said and smirked.

"shush. go fuck with sunwoo or something" hyunjin said and rolled his eyes.

haknyeon blushed at the thought of that and left the gym, leaving hyunjin and seungmin in silence.

'sometimes i wonder how much sleep you get a day since you're number one. doesn't look like a lot' hyunjin thought.

hyunjin looked at the time and noticed that he had to go home because he was grounded. he softly placed seungmin's head onto his textbook on seungmin's lap, hyunjin taking off his own hoodie and softly placing it over seungmin to keep him warm.

"i wish i could stay longer but my stupid parents got me tight" hyunjin whispered and wrote a note to leave behind for seungmin.

"if you're sleepy i'll let you lean on my shoulder"

"authors note"

debut showcase happened and they look so happy.

stray kids being happy is another religion i follow.

seungjin is da shiteu.

minsung is also da shiteu.


changlix is the shiteu of the shiteu.

i didn't die surprisingly oOF

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