☆.。.:* i like you .。.:*☆

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"3rd person"

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"3rd person"

hyunjin took seungmin out on a date. no so much of a date since seungmin thought it was just two people who were out eating. it was already midnight and hyunjin held onto seungmin's hand tightly.

"hyunjinnie~ my apartment is a block away so i can just walk from here" seungmin said, breaking the silence.

"nah its fine. i can walk you there" hyunjin said and smiled, continuing to walk.

the two made it in front of seungmin's apartment with minsung hiding in the bushes and byeongcheol and hyunbin hiding behind the tree. of course they wanted to watch hyunjin confess to seungmin.

"ahhhhh i'm so excited" jisung whispered, peaking through a hole in the bush.

"i am too. after like eight months of just being friends. and they were extremely close too" minho whispered and rolled his eyes.

"i got the camera ready~!" jisung said and whipped out his phone.

hyunjin and seungmin walked in front of the entrance to the apartment and smiled.

"i guess i'll see you tomorrow in school jinnie" seungmin said and smiled.

"hm? me too. i have a question actually" hyunjin said, holding onto seungmin's hand.

'hyunjin you can do it. you can do it. he totally won't reject you' hyunjin thought to himself.

"what is it hyung?" seungmin asked, tilting his head towards the side.

"u-uhm . . . . . . . . . i like you a lot-- no, i love you a lot" hyunjin said and blushed, leaving a speechless seungmin.

"wha- what?" seungmin whispered faintly.

"aww come on say it" jisung muttered.

"will you be my b-boyfriend?" hyunjin asked and smiled.

"i-i- yes!" seungmin said and smiled, blushing and hiding his face in the crook of hyunjin's neck.

hyunjin smiled in success and placed a small loving kiss on seungmin's pink soft lips. jisung squealed our loud and ran to hug his best friend.

"MY BEST FRIEND HAS A BOYFRIEND" jisung yelled and squished seungmin with a tight hug.

P R E T T Y B O Y  ➵ seungmin x hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now