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Craig's POV

I was just walking around the neighborhood of where I live. "So it's really over.." all the art that would be presented in the windows of these houses was gone. It was replaced with ones of Tweek and Kenny. It pissed me off, I don't know why maybe because they're not even dating. It just made my stomach churn, even when kenny was fifty feet away from him it made me boil. "I probably just don't like-" I stopped when I was in front of Tweeks house. Tweek was at the door with Kenny hanging on him. I furrowed my brows and walked up to him. "What's.. what's going on?" He jumped and turned. "Gah! Oh.. hi Craig, nothing just helping Kenny out, he had a bloody nose and passed out so I'm going to let him crash with me.." that churning feeling came back. Why did Kenny get special fucking treatment. Tweek never did this when I was hurt. I swallowed the lump in my throat. I don't care, he's just my friend, him and Kenny are best friends I shouldn't be getting all jealous. I sighed and looked up. "Oh, well need some help?" He shook his head. "No no, I don't want to be a burden, plus I'm sure you have people to see." He said while unlocking the door. "Well I don't mind" I said while picking up Kenny by his other arm. We then laid him in the couch. "Are you sure?" I nodded eagerly. "I don't mind helping, I promise." He sighed and nodded, knowing I would keep on insisting. "Well I'm going to make Ken something to eat, have any requests?" I shrugged "brownies?" He nodded and got to work. First he made the brownie batter, then put it to cook while he made kenny some soup. When he finished Kenny's meal he took it to him. I was left spinning myself on a bar stool.

"-GAh!- Kenny! Stop you crazy b-" Tweek got cut off with laughter. That churning feeling came back but I brushed it off and walked over to see the commotion. Tweek was on the floor with Kenny laying on top of him smooching all over his cheeks. It pissed me off. Tweek can do better than scum! I was aboutta walk back to the kitchen but I heard Kenny say my name. "Craigory." "Kenneth." We stayed glaring at each other like a stupid standoff. But turned our attention to Tweek when he got up. "C'mon Ken, eat your food, I don't want you dying on me" Tweek told him with a smile. Kenny smiled back "Okay coffee bean" Tweek than walked past me to the kitchen. "Coffee bean? How fucking cliche" "oh like Tweekers is any better? Go fuck yourself Tucker, why're you even here?" I grunted "I was helping Tweek carry your ass in" He rolled his eyes. "What's your deal, why are you being all pissy when I'm around him?" "Because I don't want him dating scum." "You're one to fucking talk, he had a breakdown and started pulling on his hair when you broke it off with him, and he hasn't done that since grade school" Wait what, I knew he liked me but I didn't know that. "Surprised you haven't gotten passed his lies after all the time you spent with him, Tweek lies about his feelings to spare others, even when they don't fucking deserve it." He spat at me. "Well he obviously found a comfort in you so why should I care?" "Dude! If he has or not he's still your friend you prick. He's fucking making you brownies asshole and you have the full to say that?" I let out a frustrated sigh. "Fuck off, if he chooses to come to me for comfort then I'll be there, if not that's his problem" kenny just shook his head. "I said you were scum to piss you off, but Jesus you really are scum" I sighed. He was right, I am scum.

Tweek came in with a plate of brownies. "There you go Craig, hope you like them.." He walked back to the kitchen to clean up. I followed after him. "I'll help" I said standing next to him. He gave me a smile and started washing the dishes. I cleaned the counters and swept the floor. When we were finished we walked back to the living room. Tweek sat down next to Kenny and I sat in an armchair on Tweeks side. "Thanks for taking care of me bean" Kenny said while giving him a hug. I stood up. "Thank for the food Tweekers" I said giving him a hug pulling him away from Kenny. He hesitated but hugged back. "No problem Craig." I smiled and pulled away. "See you at school tomorrow" I said waving bye to him and Kenny.

I walked outside I huffed. I began walking and pulled out my phone to text Thomas.

"Hey, u busy?"

"I mean I am in schooll"

"Cmon skip w/ me"

"Fine, txt me when ur outside lol"

I smiled and started walking to the school. "At least I can always have him to make me feel better even if I don't deserve it." I rolled my eyes and put my phone up, continuing my walk.

Song: Cherry by Lana Del Ray

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