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Tweeks POV

I was moaning and panting as Craig kissed and nibbled on my neck. He was slowly grinding our hips together with his hands roaming my body. His hands eventually grazed over my pant buttons. Midway through sliding them off there was loud bangs at the door. Then came in a pissed off Kenny. He ran in and tackled Craig to the floor; he sat on top of Craig with Craig's arms pinned down. "What the FUCK are you doing to MY TWEEK!" He screamed at him "What the fuck do you mean your Tweek?! He's just as much mine than he is yours!" He screamed back. I huffed and sat up "IM NOT A FUCKING OBJECT!" I yelled at them. "NO YOU'RE NOT YOU'RE MY BEST FRIEND AND I LOVE YOU AND I DON'T WANT THIS ASSHOLE TOUCHING YOU LIKE THAT BECAUSE I.. I don't want him to get close to you for just the sake of fucking and leaving. I don't want you to get hurt Tweek, if you And this dick Pringle end up together fine, but I don't want you to fuck him until you're positive he's the one for you, please baby I don't want you to lose it to someone because you're tipsy and horny" kenny said tears streaming down his face.

He got off Craig and turned to me. He sat next to me and rubbed my back. "Babe, if you're positive this is who you want it with then go ahead, just, please think about it, ok?" He got up and started walking out. I sighed and pulled up my pants and ran over to him. I gave him a tight hug "thank you Ken" he turned around and hugged me back. He pulled back and he looked at me, concern written all over him. "Bean. I'm going to head back to the party, are you going to be okay? Or do you want me to stay?" I smiled up at him. I wiped his tears away and kissed his cheek. "I'll be fine Ken, you go have your fun, ok? You deserve it." He smiled "I'll get shitfaced for you bean" I snickered "you better come home as soon as you wake up so I can give you pills for that shitty hangover loser" "I will daddy" I blushed and playfully hit him. "Shut up ken, we both know I'm not the daddy in this relationship." I said making us laugh.

Ken left after making sure I was completely okay before leaving. I was in the same position with Craig, but in my room. "Are you sure you want this?" He asked. "Are you sure you want to pass it up?" I asked. He smiled "Are you sure kenny isn't gonna bust in here and try to kill me again?" I rolled my eyes "hurry up before you turn me off asshole." I said with a snicker. He smiled and connected our lips. I quickly pulled back in panic. "Wait wait wait, this is your first time right?" "Yeah? The only person I dated was Thomas and I sure as hell didn't sleep with him" he said. I rolled my eyes and pulled him back down.

I woke up too the sun shining on my eyes. I grumbled and sat up, I heard someone grumble causing me to look down. I bit on my tongue and scoot away from the body falling off the bed and on my ass. Craig shot up and looked towards me on the floor rubbing my naked ass. "If you wanted to go another round you could've just woke me up instead of throwing yourself off the bed" he said with a cocky grin. I rolled my eyes and flicked him off getting up. I tore away a sheet from him and wrapped it around myself. "I'm taking a shower, so don't expect anything after" I spat making him groan "but hooooney, I cant help myself" I rolled my eyes and stuck out my tongue at him.

I popped out of the shower and walked back to my room, Craig was asleep again so I tried to keep quiet as I got dressed. Which was relatively easy considering I just grabbed a sweater and shorts. I then snuck out of the room and walked downstairs. I was making my way to the couch when someone knocked. I grinned knowing damn well who it was. I opened the door to see a shitfaced Kenny and Stan. "Oh hey, what are two beautiful princesses doing here?" They gave me a look "just take care of us mom everything hurts." Ken said. I snickered and moved out of the way letting them in. "Go sit in the kitchen and I'll get to you gays in a bit" they muttered an okay and did as I asked. I shook my head and pulled out my phone, calling Butters. He picked up with a cheery voice "hey tweek! Good morning!" I smiled and replied "hey Leo, good morning. I was gonna ask if you wanted to come over to hang and lash out at your boyfriend. He and Ken just got here with hangovers." I heard him sigh "actually, yes, I want to see you and I want to slap that boy for getting drunk when I told him to watch his drinking!" He said with a serious tone. "Anyways, be there in five!" He said with a cheery tone again. I snickered and walked into the kitchen. "Leo's coming over guys" I said as I opened up a cabinet. Stan immediately perked up. "Why?" I shrugged getting a bottle of ibuprofen. "Just wanted to hang with me I guess" I said. I grabbed two cups and started filling them with water. "Well, I'm dying today guys" Stan said. I smirked and gave them the bottle and cups. "You guys are already dead dude" I said. "Dude I always die" kenny spoke up. Stan gave him a confused look and I just rolled my eyes. "Shh Ken, they'll get mad" he shrugged "let them" stan looked at us dumbfounded "who?" "Don't worry about it, just worry about Butters" I said. Just then we heard knocks on the door. Stan jumped out of his seat and dashed upstairs into a room. I snickered and went to get the door, leaving kenny holding his head, already feeling the pounding the yelling is gonna cause him.

Craig's POV

I jolted awake as I heard a slam from the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes to see Stan going inside the closet. "Marsh?" He looked up with panic "Craig? The fu-" he got cut off by the door opening making Stan hide with panic. "Dude it's just Tweek" he came out looking more calm "was it him?" "No just Clyde, plus he would've found you Stan" "Yeah but at least it'd take him a while before he slapped the shit out of me." Tweek rolled his eyes and smiled "dude weak, just go back downstairs loser" so he did, but before he left he just had to ask. "So I see mom got some last night huh" Tweek flushed and flicked him off. "Oh please, momma always gets some" Tweek said with a wink. Stan laughed and walked back downstairs leaving me and Tweek.

I got up and made my way over to him; I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his shoulder. "I didn't know we had kids honey" He snickered "yeah we do, and they can be the hugest fucking idiots ever" He replied. I laughed in the crook of his neck "Yeah I kind of took note of that already."he shivered and turned to face me. "You smell dude" I grinned and kissed him "Yeah probably" He snickered and pulled away "go take a shower loser, you'll get to borrow clothes" He sang as he walked out. I smiled and ran to the shower.

Once I was clean I bounced out the shower and called for Tweek, while walking to his room. He came in a minute later. "Pick an outfit you aesthetic hoe" he winked and rummaged through his closet. He threw me a nasa sweater and some black sweatpants, and of course a pair of briefs. I thanked him as he left to let me change. I quickly got dressed, so I could run downstairs and see if butters had slapped the shit out of Stan yet.

this chapter is longer than most so I hope you enjoyed that lol. Next chapter is the day Creek is official here because Craigory won. Not gonna lie lol I really had hoped the poly would win but oh well. Like I said though I'll still write the other two outcomes guys! Anyways hope you enjoyed :))
Bye lovelies

Song: Lover Boy by Phum Viphurit

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