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Tweeks POV

I jumped in my sleep and woke up. I had one of those dreams where you fall but wake up before you hit the ground.. I sat up to see half of Kenny's body on the floor with his ass in the air. I turned to Craig to see him laying over the arm of the couch. I snickered and got up, I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs to shower.

I went into my room and grabbed a sweater and leggings. I picked up a towel from our closet and went to the bathroom. I placed my phone on the counter and blasted one of my many playlist. I shut the door and  got in the shower to scrub all the germs from my body.
After about 15 minutes I popped out squeaky clean. I dried off and started getting dressed. Midway through pulling up my pants the door creeked opened. Craig took a glance at me and turned away getting all flustered up. I laughed nervously and pulled up my pants and pulled on my sweater. "Craig calm down dude, it's not like you saw anything.." he hesitated but turned around with his hand over his eyes. I smiled and took his hand  off giving him a smile. He smiled back "Sorry I didn't know.." "it's okay dude, I know" I snickered and made my way past him and back downstairs. Kenny was still asleep, so I picked him up and put him back on the couch. I put then put the blanket over him. I was about to give him a peck on the cheek but he quickly sat up and kissed me. I pulled back flustered. "Rude! I thought you were asleep!" He snickered "I was but I woke up when you were moving me.i stuck my tongue at him and sat down stealing the blanket back.

I turned on the tv and started flipping through the channels when Craig joined us. He sat next to me and cuddled his head into my neck. My face filled with blush as whispered a 'goodnight' his breath tickled my skin so I quickly stood up. "I'm gonna make coffee!" I spat racing to my kitchen. I sighed when I entered "these boys are driving me crazy" I shook my head and tied the blanket on me like a cape. I then got out coffee grinds and put it in our coffee maker and patiently waited on a barstool by the island counter. I sat swinging legs back and fourth just staring at the ground.

While waiting craig came in and sat next to me. "You okay?" He asked with a smile. I swear, it made my heart skip a beat. "I uh, no I'm not, I'm going crazy dude" He furrowed his eyebrows and that smile turned into a frown. "What wrong honey" my heart did it again, he's going to give me a heart Attack one of these days, jesus! "-rrr- You guys are driving me crazy, making me all flustered! I love both of you and it's driving me crazy!" He snickered and pulled me in for a kiss. I happily kissed back but bounced away when I heard the coffee maker stop brewing. I heard a small grunt as I made my coffee. I smirked and made my way back to the island. I pulled my sleeves over my hands and wrapped them around my mug. I shifted my gaze to a flustered Craig. "What? Did you really think we were gonna have a makeout session right now?" He smirked "I was hoping too" "you know what Kenny would do to you though don't you?" "Pft- what beat me up?" I snickered rolling my eyes. "Just depends how mad he is, maybe he'll slap you maybe he'll make you unconscious, you never know" I said taking a sip of my coffee. He snickered "it's worth it if it's for you" I rolled my eyes. "Wow how much cheesier can this get?" I muttered. "Oh shush" Craig said playfully slapping my arm. I snickered and pulled out my phone; scrolling through coonstagram. "So how've you been feeling lover boy" I asked Craig. "You know, good and in love" I smiled and pecked his cheek. "Wow that boy is hella lucky don't you think?" Craig shook his head "nah, he's just too good a person, I can't see how all these people didn't fall in love with him.. or how it took some longer" I smiled and turned back to my phone. "So what do you guys wanna do today?" Craig shrugged "there's a party later at Bebe's." "Oh yeah, she texted me about that but I didn't know if you guys would be down" "dude I'm always down for drinking" Craig said. "Craig you sound like Stan" he scoffed and flicked me off "rude dude" I snickered and got up. "Well I'm gonna go over to see what her and Wendy are doing, if you guys wanna come" I said making my way upstairs to my room. Craig called an 'ok' after me.

I smiled and opened my closet. If I didn't change into something decent the girls would bite at me. I sighed and pulled on some black skinny jeans. I took off my sweater and pulled on a dark khaki hoodie that had golden roses on the sleeves. I slipped on my vans and I was done. I walked back downstairs to see Kenny and Craig waiting by the doors. I smiled and we walked outside. I made sure I had everything before I locked the house. When I finished we set off walking to her house.

When we were halfway there Kenny slipped his hand into mine. Just a minute later Craig had done the same. I rolled my eyes and snickered under my breath.

In just minutes we were at the front of her door. "Guys, I kinda need to knock" Kenny just kissed my head in response and knocked for me. I rolled my eyes and waited for Bebe. I heard running, then the door swung open. Bebe was on the other smiling widely. She grabbed me pulling me into a hug. "I missed you Tweek! Geez come around more I love when my son comes to see me!" "I'm sorry mom I've been preoccupied with them" I said. "Tweek! Two boys at once, god you really are a hoe" she said making us both giggle. She looked up with an amused grin. "Well come in guys, my parents and I love puppies" I playfully slapped her arm and giggled again. Kenny and Craig listened and walked in, then we went up to Bebes room to see Wendy laying in her bed on her phone. When she saw me she jumped up within a second and hugged me. "Oh son are you okay! You haven't been texting us! Also you look hella cute today, see what advantages you get being friends with us, you get our amazing fashion sense." She said flipping her hair. "Oh please, I have fashion sense because I am hella gay babe" I said flipping my bangs like she did. She giggled and sat back down. "I see you brought your boyfriends sweetie, aren't they just the cutest Bebe" "yes they are, cute little puppies! With good behavior might I add!" She said sarcastically. "Hey try not to pet them so hard, yeah?" I said "only because you asked nicely" Wendy replied. I smiled and sat on the floor near the door. Crag and Kenny followed and sat on either side of me. "You guys don't have to stay if you're uncomfortable" I said with a grin. "And leave my bean, as if" "hey he's not your bean he's my honey" Craig spat. "No he's not asshole" kenny spat back. "Hey, he's not either, he's our son." Bebe cut in. I mouthed a 'thank you' and she just winked. "Geez you guys need advice desperately" Wendy said. "Why?" They asked in unison. "Umm look at you, smothering our poor baby" Bebe said. "Yeah guys you shouldn't smother him, because he'll start looking at other guys that seem normal y'know" Wendy said. Craig and Kenny were taken back. Kenny pecked my cheek and roof off downstairs yelling a bye after. Craig gave me a kiss before standing up "I'll see you later today honey, text me if anything" he said with a smile before walking out.

"Damn Tweek"Bebe said "What?" I smiled knowing what she was gonna say. "You're like a cute little pimp"

So when Tweek has to choose, it'll be after like one or two chapter after this one. So till then, if you haven't voted be sure to In you know, the one that says voting thingy lol.
Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed today's chapter!

Oh! And at tonight's party, what group do you want Tweek hanging out with (besides Craig and Kenny) like would you want him with Stans, the girls, or the goths?? Just comment which one loves! I'll probably pick the first comment too so—

Song: Hey girl by Paul Cherry

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