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Kenny's POV

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Craig. I jumped up screeching making his eyes shoot open. As soon as he saw he started screeching with me. I bit down on my tongue and quickly got up. Where the hell did Tweek go?! "Never speak of this" I muttered. "I'd kill myself before I do" Craig spat back. "Where's Tweek" I shrugged and went for the door. "Probably downstairs cuddled up in a blanket." Craig gasped and raced past me. I made my way out and saw him hunched over the stairs staring into the living room. "He's with someone" "who!" "Shh! I don't know, he has a red spot of hair though." I walked over looking in. "Oh that's Pete.." "shh! They're talking!" Craig hushed me. I stuck my tongue at him making him flick me off. I rolled my eyes and listened in.

Tweeks POV

"I don't know dude.. like I love both of them, I know I'm supposed to choose but I can't, I love both of them like that you know..?" Pete sighed and hugged me. "Yeah I get it Spooks, I don't know maybe you can date both of them" "what do you mean?" "Ever heard of polyamorous  relationships?" I shook my head. "No? What is it?" "It's when you date more than one person spooks" my eyes lit up. "Duuuuude! Do you think?" Pete shrugged. "Maybe, but I don't know cuz they kinda hate each other but they suck it up for you" "god you make me sound like a prince dude" he snorted "you kind of are dude, they're like your little conformist knights, except instead of a princess it's a prince and you're gay with the knights." I snickered and rolled my eyes. "Thank you, I know I'm like a super gay" "Yeah pretty much" I giggled and playfully punched him. "So besides all that messy relationship feelings, what have you been up too?" I asked "oh you know, smoking drinking coffee same old shit, the only difference is now is that I'm always wrapped up in Micheals arms and it's fucking great" I gasped and grabbed his shoulder. "Seriously!" He nodded proudly with a smug grin. "Aw I'm so happy.. Wait what the fuck you didn't tell me as soon as it happened?! Rude" he just cackled "Sorry drama king, I'll tell you when we get married though, it'll be gothic though so don't expect cutesy shit spooks." "Cute shit from you? Oh please cute things to you are human skeletons" he grinned "Well you're not wrong" I smiled and snuggled into my blanket again. "Lame du-" I got cut off by thumping. I shot up and looked behind me to see Craig and Kenny on the floor. "What the fuck why'd you push me!" "Me?! You pulled me when you slipped!" Kenny retorted. "Oh geez, thing one and two crashed the party." Pete said looking at them fumble to their feet. "Sorry honey, didn't mean to interrupt" "Y-Yeah Sorry bean" Pete snickered. "Honey? Bean? Do you guys know this boy at all?" Pete said with a smirk. "Shush they don't need to know!" They raised a brow at him and sat down near him. "Tell us" Pete shrugged "spooks would come with us to the grave yard at night helping us spawn Satan and shit, when Satan would come Spooks and him would drag on for hours about guys and it was creepy and annoying. Then he always and I mean always had a bat or two with him when we went. They just flew to him and he would pet them, like if you went right now you'd probably see what I'm talking about." The color drained from Kenny and Craig just seemed a little spooked. "Makes a lot more sense.. I always wondered how he went from cute to scary in less than a second." Kenny muttered. "Please, Don't Tell me, you guys fucked with black magic too?" "No! We didn't" I butted in. "It was blood magic." Pete said. "Damn Tweek. Daaaaamn" kenny said. I rolled my eyes. "It was just from middle school to sophomore year no big deal" "what!" Kenny squeaked out. "That's why you got no sleep you little-" Craig slapped a hand over his mouth and turned to me. "Tweek What the fuck dude" I shrugged and leaned into the couch. "Kenny got busy and I didn't like smothering you so I took off with Pete and his friends. "God I could've been smothered by you.. I'm so fucking stupid.." I snickered "oh well dude"

It was like, I don't know 6 or 7 pm, Pete had left to go meet up with his friends so it was just me and two huge losers. I was currently sitting between Craig and Kenny, trying not to fall asleep. I rubbed my eyes and fell back on the couch. We were watching some dumb show about a guy and a boat, it sucked so I wasn't really paying any attention. "Hey tweek, if you're tired go to bed" kenny cooed. I waved him off and opened my eyes. "I don't want to, I'll be fine" I said smiling. "Well if you change your mind, I'll be your pillow" Craig said. I rollled my eyes snickering a little"Okay" I was falling back into my trance but immediately snapped my eyes open when Pete's idea made their way to the top of all my thoughts. I sighed and sunk into the couch. I doubt they'll be down for something like that. "Guys" I spoke up. "When do I have to decide?" "Next Saturday" kenny answered. I grumbled. "Why do I have to decide?" "So one of us can be with you" Craig said. "Ok yeah but- Pft never mind" I muttered. "But what bean?" Kenny asked. "What if I dated both of you?" I mumbled. They both turned to me. "Well I mean, we can try it..?" Craig said. "Yeah.. hey let's just not talk about it and talk about anything besides relationships, we talk about it way too much" kenny said with a nervous laugh. "That sounds like a good idea" I said. So we did, we changed the subject over to Stripe #4 and how we should buy clothes for her. Then we switched over to their little sisters and so on. It was nice being with both of them though.

Uhhh hi! So okay idk what you guys are down for. Ok ok uhm-

🧡Comment here if you want Tweek to stay with Kenny

💙comment here if you want Tweek to stay with Craig

💚Comment here if you want them to have a polyamorous relationship

Also thanks for 1k reads I appreciate it! I'm glad you guys like the book, if you have anything you'd want these losers to do just comment and I'll get to ya! But again thank you sm I love you and thanks for liking my trash🤟

Song: You're somebody else by Flora Cash

((Also sorry this is rushed and shorter than what chapters usually are!!))

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