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Tweeks POV

I laughed along with Kenny and Karen. We calmed down and laid there for a bit, kenny hugged my waist and Karen had gone back upstairs to play games on her phone. It was fine though, I was with Kenny. I smiled and played with his hair.

He looked up after a while and smiled getting up. I followed after him and sat up straight. He looked at me and rested his hand on mine. "Tweek.." he whispered. "Hm?" I looked up at him. He was inching closer as well as I. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. He pulled away after a minute or so and we locked eyes. "Tweek.. I love you, I've loved you for so long and I want to be with you, I want to take care of you and everything.. you mean the world to me and Karen. So.. will you be my boyfriend?" My voice hitched and I smiled and kissed him. I pulled back and hugged him. "I'd love too" I could feel him grinning and he hugged back.

After a while of just enjoying the atmosphere I felt him crane his neck and shift his head. I could feel him breathing on my neck. He started kissing me which tickled at first but then he bit me causing me to shriek. "KEnETH! DiD YOU JUST GIVE ME A HICKEY?!" He pulled himself up quickly. "I don't know what you're talking about" he protested crossing his arms. "Then I'll go look myself!" I got up but immediately got pulled down by Kenny. He buried his head in my chest and murmured "ok I did I'm sorry I was excited" I smiled and kissed his head. "It's okay" I laughed. "How bad is it?" "Oh! Um- not bad at all, it's fine you can barely tell-" as kenny finished his sentence there was a knock at the door. I got up and opened it to see Craig and Ruby.

"Holy shit Tweek!" Ruby yelled. I furrowed my eyebrows and turned back to Kenny "yOU SAID IT WAS BARELY NOTICEABLE!" "I DIDN'T WANT YOU TO GET MAD!" I snickered and shook my head turning my attention back to Ruby. "Is Karen here?" "Yeah she's upstairs." "Thank you Tweeky!" Ruby said walking in, giving me a hug before running upstairs.

"So you're really dating him huh" I looked at Craig and nodded. "Yeah.. I am." "That's cool" I nodded with a smile. "Are you happy with him?" "Honestly, I've never been happier" "so happier when you were with me?" I sighed "Craig don't say that, the whole relationship was fake, and one sided.. but technically yes I am, he treats me great and it's two sided this time." He sighed and nodded. "Okay later.. do you wanna hang out with the guys later." I gave him a confused look but shrugged "sure, you all can come over, my parents are gonna be gone for a couple months anyways." He lit up but nodded. "Okay cool, later Tweekers" I cringed a little bit. "Later..Craig"

I walked inside and sat next to Kenny. "Craig and the guys are coming over later.." he pouted "wanna invite Stan and them so it won't be awkward?" I shrugged "Why the hell not" so I pulled out my phone and texted them in our old group chat I had when kenny left for a while.

Is U Gay? /one gc I actually have/

Hey guys, do ya wanna hang out @ my house tonight?

Yeah dude!

Sure I don't have anything better to do lol

Is Craig gonna be there?

Yeah lol

Then fuck yeah

Ok lol be here at 7🤟


I put my phone down snickering. "Oh hey you know this is a chance to make our 'ship' official!" Kenny said grinning. I smiled back and nodded. "That's great and all, but be prepared for a bawling Clyde." Kenny shivered at the thought which made me laugh. "Oh god- that's bad he's gonna soak my shirt.." kenny snickered "don't worry babe I'll protect you" I smiled and leaned on into Kenny.


Song: Forget it by Getter (ft. Oliver Tree)

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