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Tweeks POV

Morning had struck, all the guys had fallen asleep on the tables. "Typical" I rolled my eyes and stretched. I cleaned up a little where sticky splotches of coffee was left and hung up my apron. I was about to turn to wake up the guys but we all jumped out of our skin when the door was slammed open. I looked up to see Kenny grinning. "Rise and shine your favorite hoe is here" I sleepily waved to him as he came up to the counter. "Hi bean, I came to walk you home" He said with a smile. I gave him a nod "okay tha-" I got cut off by Craig slamming his hand on the counter. "Excuse me! He promised me I could walk him home" "he did?" "I did?" "Yes, you did" Craig said. "Well I'd feel a little bad, ken did walk here for me.." "fine, but we're going to do something later!" Craig said. I smiled and pecked his cheek before he walked off with the rest of the guys.

I locked up the shop and slipped my key in my pocket. Kenny slipped his hand in mine and we started walking back to my house. It was barely turning daylight and god was I tired. I kept stumbling over my feet, so kenny being kenny had stopped and kneeled down so I could climb on his back. I did and wrapped my arms tightly around him. "You know,you're really light bean, have you been eating three meals a day?" I was on the brink of sleep but did my best to nod and mumble a 'yes' "hm" Ken started. "Maybe we should bump it up to four, I want my baby to be healthy" I smiled giggling a bit. "Ok" I mumbled again. Ken just laughed at my drowsiness "Okay we're almost there my tired bean, I know you're tired" I just nodded and snuggled my head into Kenny's neck.

I woke up with panic when I was put on the bed. I looked up at Kenny snickering "that was meeeeean" I huffed out. He pecked my forehead "I'm sorry drama queen" I stuck my tongue at him and got up. I stretched and changed into some pj's. "Are you staying here with me?" I asked getting into the bed. "If you want me too" kenny said shrugging. I beamed up at him and scooted patting the bed. "Well you did carry me here, you must be exhausted" he smiled and took off his parka and boots, getting into bed next to me. I smiled as I snuggled into his chest. My eyes started getting heavy; I could already hear kens soft snoring. I smiled again letting myself drift off to sleep.
My eyes fluttered open as I woke up. I heard arguing coming from downstairs. I quickly fumbled to my feet when I saw Kenny wasn't next to me. I carried my half asleep self downstairs as quickly as my noodle legs could go, almost falling on my ass in the process. I stood in the living room with two idiots arguing, it was so loud it took them about five minutes to even notice me standing there with a hand on my hip and an infuriated look. "O-oh uh, sorry honey" Craig cooed walking towards me. He grabbed my shoulders "cmon let's get you back to bed sweetie, I know you're tired" I scrunched up my nose and pushed his hands off my shoulders. "Tell me." I muttered shooting them both a glare with my half lidded eyes. "Oh it was nothing babe! We were just talking about comics n stuff" kenny said trying to wave me off. I hardened my glare. "Kenneth, Craigory. Now." They started mentally panicking and shooting each other worried looks. "It was Craig! He started it because I was asleep with you!" "Nu-Uh! You did because I came here!" Craig spat back. Then they started arguing again. I sighed and punched the bridge of my nose. "Shut the fuck up we are NOT kids anymore. Come on, you two are going to sit in my room and get along while I sleep!" I huffed our turning on my heel and waltzing back upstairs. They followed after me stomping their way up. I rolled my eyes and snuggled myself inside my cozy bed as they started muttering to themselves. I groaned getting frustrated with their tension. "First one to apologize can cuddle with me." I muttered. That made them both perk up and apologizing instantly. "I said it first!" Craig yelled getting into bed with me. "No I did!" "You already had your turn!" "Before you ruined it!!" I sighed "Shut the fuck up and get into my bed and fall asleep with me or I swear to god I will-" "ok ok!" They yelled in unison. I smiled and closed my eyes. "Thank you." I started to fall asleep again, mentally praying to god they behaved and fell asleep too.

" I started to fall asleep again, mentally  praying to god they behaved and fell asleep too

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//I just had to doodle these three babies 💙💚🧡//

I woke up again feeling much more energized. I tried getting up but I was restrained by two big pillows that should quit their job. I grumbled and slithered my arms back from under them and carefully got up. Once I was free I grabbed my phone and charger and booked it to my living room. I smiled and grabbed a fluffy blanket and settled myself on the couch, switching on the tv. I stretched and changed it to a random show. I grabbed my phone and turned it on to see a bajillion messages from my old friend Pete. I haven't talked to him since like, middle school? I swiped and started reading his texts.

"Hey spooks"
"I mean Tweek"
"Sorry if that was weird lol"
"Wanna hang?"
"I kinda miss you being around dude"
"Sorry if I seem like a conformist"
"But we should hang, like today or you kno soon"
"Tweeeek stop being a conformist and reply asshole"
"Sorry if that was mean"
"But at the same time, I don't care if it was"
"Like I love you but you kno ur being a conformist rn"
"Lol hey petey! Yeah we can hang you should come over like now"
"P e t e y"
"About time rudeness! And wowww you love being an asshole don't u?"
"Yeah I do lol"
"I'm on my way spooks"
"I'll be here👻"

I snickered and closed my phone. I was excited I haven't hung out with him in forever! Ahh maybe he can help me with my dilemma. I just smiled and changed the channel to some lame ghost show.

About 15 minutes passed and I heard a knock on my door. I sprung up and raced to the door swinging it open. "Hey petey, long time no see"
"Stoooop you actual asshole" I snickered and got out of the way so he could come in. "Dude spooks I haven't seen you in forever, what the fuck happened" I shrugged and sat back down. "Not sure, we stopped talking for a while and you know, I thought you just dropped me because I'm a conformist" I said. "Oh please, you're like the most un-conformist conformist there is" I rolled my eyes. "Thanks PP" "oh god I prefer petey" I grinned "Yeah but I prefer PP" he groaned and shoved a pillow over his head. I laughed and playfully punched him. Soon enough though we were talking and watching the lame ass ghost show and eating whatever we grabbed while it went to commercial.

I take a long ass time to update shit, sorry bout that. But I hope ya enjoyed or something. And I hope you like Tweeks new friend :)) I wonder what Craig and Ken will think ;)

Song: Idontwanttobeyouanymore by Billie Eilish

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