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Tweeks POV

It was later on in the day, specifically 7:35 pm. I was still at Bebes, I had been helping her run and get stuff for the party, we didn't worry about booze because wether we bought some or not people would bring their own. I kept staring at my legs, I was wearing jeans and I did not like it. I usually wear sweatpants or leggings, but, the girls had redressed me when we were on our way back to Bebes. They stopped at my house and rushed me inside up too my room. They swapped out my whole outfit, even my shoes. ((A drawing of the boys are at the bottom)) then they dragged me out a second after we got in and drove back to Bebe's. So now I'm here, sitting in the living room, talking with the girls. The group consisted of Bebe, Wendy, Red, Nicole, and Heidi so far. They we poking me about Kenny and Craig and who I'd want to end up with. "Who do you guys think would win, I'm going for Craig hands down" Red said "really, kenny is way more romantic and flirty" Bebe said. "My cousin can be like that, just not as much in public" Red responded. "Girls what if our baby doesn't even end up with either and meets another boy tonight?" Wendy said. I kind of cringed at the comment, I'm way to whipped for these boys to meet someone else. Someone responded, but I just kind of tuned them out because honestly I don't even know who I want to end up with. I just know I'm whipped for both.

Little by little, people started filling up the house. I was still seated with the girls except we had moved to the kitchen, there were less people in there, surprisingly. I sat in between Bebe and Wendy. To Bebe's right was Clyde and Token, then Nicole, the rest of the girls were on Wendy's right though. I was awkwardly shifting in my seat because Clyde kept asking about Craig and Kenny. "So who do you want to get with? I think it should be Craig because you never know with Kenny, I heard he was.. you know" "dude those are rumors, Ken is a nice guy, he's been my best friend for years now dude" "yeah I guess" Token slightly hit Clyde and gave him a look. It made Clyde shut up instantly. Thank fucking god dude.
It was getting even later and I was just a little disappointed because they weren't here. But I shrugged it off and went to get a drink. I got whatever I could get my hand on and was about to go sit down when a hand made its way to my shoulder. I jumped and spun on my heals to be faced with a grinning blonde. I calmed down and smiled pecking his cheek. "Hey Ken" "hey coffee bean" He cooed. "What took you so long?" He gestured down "I dressed to impress and showered and everything just for you" He said. I snickered and gave him a hug. "So, what do you wanna do?" I asked "You" he said with a wink. I playfully pushed him and looked up for a real response. "I don't know, wanna go bug Stan and the guys" I shrugged "sure" so we walked to the backyard where Kyle was yelling at Cartman. We laughed and walked up to them. "What's going on?" Ken asked. Kyle turned to us with an outraged look. "I'm going to beat the shit out of him!" "Why what's wrong?" I asked. Kyle grabbed us by the arms and dragged us away from Cartman "Well I was our her with David and we were waiting for Stan and Butters to come because we said we'd meet in the back, then fatass comes out and he's being an ass and making stupid jokes and David stormed off inside and is now excessively drinking and oh my god I should go stop him brb guys!" Kyle said running off inside. I shook my head as Cartman walked up to us. "Pft, stupid jew" he muttered. "You're such an ass dude" Kenny said. "Ay! I'm not the one putting my dick in it!" Kenny smirked "at least I can get ass dude" "fuck you keeenny" Ken started laughing as we walked back inside. "You guys have a weird relationship" I told him. "Yeah, but it works" he replied.
Since his group didn't work out, we went to mine. We were back in the kitchen, Ken sitting next to me. I sighed, just as I expected, everyone bombarded us with questions. Kenny didn't really mind though because he got a kick out of it. "Girls! Girls quiet! So Kenny" Wendy started "Have you and Tweek ever.. you know" before Kenny could answer I stood up. "Aaaaand that's our cue to leave" I said dragging Kenny out. Kenny being Kenny though, yelled back at them saying "ALL NIGHT LONG LADIES" I sighed and kept dragging him.

Kenny and I were now sitting in the living room. I was kind of spacing out while staring at a wall. Kenny, on the other hand, was talking to Stan and Butters. I didn't mind, I was just kind of spacing out a little. I quietly got up and made my way into the kitchen. I got a drink and sat on the counter. I was midway through chugging my bottle when Someone tapped me causing me to so spit. I put my bottle down to see a grinning Craig. "You scared me half to death" He snickered and pecked my cheek. "Sorry honey" I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Man dude, I've been looking everywhere for you" Craig said. I raised a brow "Really? Why? I mean Token and Clyde are here" he shrugged "because you're my favorite person to be around." I blushed and pecked his cheek "that's so sweet craig" he got flustered and his grin widened. "You're one to talk honey" I snickered "did you really not pay attention to what Pete said?" I asked raising a brow at him. "So you talked with Satan about guys, I think it's cute, in some creepy fucked up way" I rolled my eyes. "Lame dude" I said bouncing off the counter. I chugged the rest of my drink and went to get another, Craig following behind me.

It was around midnight, Craig and I were in the kitchen. He was standing, while I was siting on the counter. We were drinking out of a bottle of absinthe, and damn it was strong. A few minutes went by and we finished the bottle together. "Dude, I like, I really love you" Craig said giggling. "I loved you forever dude, seriously" I told him. He smiled and kissed me. It took me a minute to register what was happening, when it clicked I kissed him back. He eventually pushed himself away and rushed off to get more drinks. I furrowed my eyebrows and sighed. I sat there alone for a couple minutes, just tapping my leg out of boredom. He came back eventually with a bottle of rum and whiskey, and grinned. "Someone's gonna get slapped for stealing these" "aha.. uh, no dude I'm not getting drunk" I said. "Oh cmon at least a shot, not like we have class tomorrow. We have till Wednesday dude" He said with puppy eyes. I sighed and grabbed the bottle. "Man, work is gonna suck tomorrow" he grinned again. "That's the spirit" I rolled my eyes and popped off the cap. Instead of a shot I started to down the bottle. Craig cheered me till I slammed the bottle down next to me. "Your turn dude" he smirked and downed the bottle of whiskey in maybe three minutes, because he kept accidentally choking."Weak Craig, I expected better!" he flicked me off  and smiled. I was savoring the flavor" "yeah sure, you're puke totally wasn't fighting back" "Exactly it wasn't, I have such a high tolerance for alcohol" we laughed for a good five minutes before calming down.

Before I knew it though, his face was on mine with a hand up my shirt. "Go Tweek!" I heard Bebe yell. "Told you guys it'd be craig" Red said. I waved them off with my free hand to shut them up. Which they did, well if you didn't count their loud giggling. I rolled my eyes and I pulled back with a pant. "Craig.. lets go, let's go back to my house?" He smirked and nodded picking me up bridal style. We snuck out through the back and around the house. Once we were clear Craig took off running back to my place, with me in his arms. I'm not gonna lie, I felt bad leaving Kenny, but I'm sure he didn't notice. I did leave his side without him noticing, I mean If he did he would've said something. I shook myself out of my thought as I was put down. I fumbled for my keys, after about a minute I unlocked the door; we walked in and I relocked the door.

As soon as I turned back to Craig, he attacked me and pushed me against the wall. He kissed me roughly and started slipping his hand up my shirt again. But hey, I'm not complaining, and I'm sure you aren't either.

Sorry I kind of changed what I was planning him to do at the start with the girls but I'm sure you're all pleased with the ending of this chapter. Also! So far Creek is tied with the polyamorous idea, but don't worry, like I said when the story is done I'm planning on making the other outcomes! So if you haven't voted, go vote!

Also here's some cute Creekenny in their party outfits😘

Also here's some cute Creekenny in their party outfits😘

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Song: I love you so by The Walters

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