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Craig's POV

I rushed to the counter "hey Mccockmick" I got his attention and waved him to come back. He flicked me off and walked to the back. "What fucker?" He spat, uninterested. "Tweek." I said while walking back into the back room. He perked up and followed. I walked in to see Tweek had calmed down. He was just sitting there, eyes closed and rocking himself back and forth. "Tweek..? Baby what's wrong?" Kenny asked slowly stepping in. He opened his eyes and turned at us. "Oh.. um.. I was having a panic attack" he said shifting his eyes to the floor. Kenny's breath hitched and he rushed giving Tweek a hug. "I'm sorry" Tweek smiled and patted his back. "It's okay, I'm okay, Craig helped me" "but still.." "but still nothing, you've helped me plenty Ken.." Tweek said. "Well whats wrong..? What triggered it?" Kenny asked sitting himself in front of Tweek. Tweek gulped and turned his head to his right avoiding both of our gazes. "Craig-" "what! I'll kick your ass Tucker!" Kenny said cutting Tweek off. "Hey! It was Craig and you calm your shit!" Tweek piped making Kenny drop dead. "Excuse me?" Kenny asked with confusion. I smirked and sat next to Tweek. "He likes both of us" I said sticking my tongue out at him. "I can explain! Look Ken I like both of you and it's making me frustrated and im mentally freaking out because in one hand I have my best friend/boyfriend, then there's a guy who I spent so much time being in love with and now he has feelings for me and I don't know what to do because I like both of you so much and it hurts because I don't want to lose either of you." Tweek said letting out a huff. I rubbed his back "breath dude" He did and calmed himself. Kenny had dropped his confused look to disappointment. "holy shit dude, wait I know how to settle this." I exchanged a concerned look with Tweek before Kenny piped up again. "So babe" he started. "We should spend time apart. You'll be completely single, except! Asshole and I will be flirting and doing romantic shit. But the person you have stronger feelings for will win and shit, okay? Just like when we kids!" Tweek started twitching "god that's way to much pressure dude! I don't think I can do-" I put a hand over Tweeks mouth hushing him. "Shhh, we'll both love you no matter what, okay?" His twitching ceased and he nodded. "I guess I'll do it.." I smirked and got up. "Let's go honey, our friends are probably worried" I said walking out with a flushed Tweek and pissed Kenny trailing behind.

We walked out and I returned to my spot. As soon as I sat down kenny slid next to me. "I swear to god if you hurt him I'll end you asshole." He whispered into my ear. He then bounced up with a smile. "I'll see you guys later! I have to check up on Karen. Bye coffee bean!" He waltzed out, everyone bid him a goodbye. I just flicked him off for leaving a sour taste in my mouth. As if I'd hurt Tweek, even when we broke up I tried to be gentle. Well I mean we had disagreements.. but I felt guilty about them and apologized. So like, well I guess if I do hurt Tweek I won't mean it or anything and I'd be sorry.. whatever! I waved my thoughts away and looked around the room. Stan and them were just conversing with one another. Nothing really interesting, I mean this story really isn't about them. I sighed and got up making my way to Tweek at the counter. "He sugar" I cooed. He shot me a look which meant 'stop or I'll fucking slap you' so I did. Because I respect him and, well this kid looks like a twink but fuck can he hurt you. "Sorry" I murmured. "So whatcha doing?" "Trying not to fall asleep" he muttered. "Why not just take the night off you've had a long day.." "id love too.." he sighed "but I need the money" I smiled "I can work your shift..?" He raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "You know how to make coffee?" "Yeah, just make everyone French vanilla it'll be fine. He snickered and rolled his eyes. "Oh god you'd hate working here, do you even know what a piccolo latte is?" "A what, what the fuck is that" he smirked "thought so"

midway through laughing at me, he jumped when a customer came in. It was that same creep kenny punched earlier. "Hey blondie, where'd your boyfriend go?" "Oh um.. out" "Well my offer still stands" "I'm good thanks.. now what would you like?" "Besides you, I'll take another flat white" Tweek nodded and started making the pricks drink. While Tweek was busy I got the guys attention. "Ay, fuck off and stop harassing my boy" he scoffed "oh he has two boyfriends now?" "Yeah, ever heard of polyamory relationships?" "Oh please, spare me with the bullshit" I shot him a glare making him jump. "Don't. Now be a good boy and stop harassing my boy. You don't want to find out what'll happen." "Calm down kid, I will, shit." I smirked "good." As on cue Tweek came with the mans drink. "Thanks blondie, just saying if you left with me you could have a bigger and nicer coffee spot, I'd give you the world." "I'm fine, I already have two, I don't need anymore" "oh yeah? Two shops ain't nothing" "no, but I have two lovely boys who treat me like a prince, and I'd take that over anything." "Oh so it's true, is this tool one of those boys?" He said pointing at me. "Craig is not a tool, but yes that is one" I got up with a grin. "And I beat up pricks just as hard as the other boy." I spat at him. The man rolled his eyes and paid for the drink, walking out muttering profanities. "Pft, prick" "calm down dude" Tweek said leaning back on the counter. I smiled and kissed his head. "I wish I could" I then got off the counter and followed after the man.
When I was right behind him I grabbed his shoulder. "Fuck." He muttered turning around. I towered over him with a grin. "What the hell did I tell you asshole?"

I came back into the shop feeling as good as ever. "I wonder when he'll learn" I said sitting back on the counter. "No blood?" Tweek asked. "No, but I'll go back and do it again if you want" Tweek spat out his coffee and waved his hands frantically. "No! No no no. No blood is fine!" I snickered "Okay honey"

—Ahhh sorry this is so late I've been busy—
Song: Televised by HUNNY

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