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Kenny's POV

The day went by fast, before I knew it all the guys were here. Ike was forced to come with his friend Firkle so they went upstairs. I was sitting with Tweek on my lap, next to Kyle and David. "Jesus fuck all my friends are gay!" "Shut up I'm dating Nichole fat boy!" Token said. "Well us heteros are outnumbered by one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight!" "What about Clyde" I asked "nah he's straighter than a ruler" Stan said. "Yeah, a bendy ruler" Tweek said making everyone crack up. "Hey fuck you guys!" Clyde said. I just snickered.

After a while everyone just kinda conversed with others instead a big conversation like before. I smiled and moved Tweeks head and connected our lips. Everything went silent after a while, so I looked up and everyone was staring. "What?" I laughed nervously. "Craig! Do something!" Clyde said. Everyone just kind of looked away, god he's an idiot get the hint. "Um.. Clyde me and Craig broke up.." Tweek said "WHAT?!" He screamed, tears threatened to fall and he was starting to hiccup. "Craig you idiot what'd you do?!" "What!" He yelled. Thomas grabbed his hand and rubbed it with his thumb. "Shh" He soothed him. "Look Clyde, we're sorry it just wasn't.." Tweek started "Look it was all a lie, we had a fake relationship, now we're both dating someone we actually love" Tweek scoffed "god I don't know what I ever saw in you!" I perked up and hugged him. "Shhhh coffee bean shhh, it's okay bean" he grumbled and leaned into my touch. "Well I'm sorry Tweek that I'm not fucking into you!" This time I scoffed "Fuck you mean? You're always getting pissy around me because you're a jealous asshole!" "Piss off McCormick" I rolled my eyes as he flicked me off. "We really should get going anyways." Craig muttered pulling Thomas along. "I'm so sorry, -ass!- bye, have a goodnight everyone -fuck-" Thomas called out.

"God Tweek how could you ever have the hots for a jerk like him?" Butters spoke up. Tweek cracked a smile. "Guess I have a thing for assholes." Tweek said pulling me into a kiss. The guys snickered and we continued the night cracking insanely offensive jokes.

I woke up cradling Tweek in his bed. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What time is it?" I grabbed Tweeks phone from under the pillow. "7:50.. Wait.. 7:50!" I shook Tweek awake and showed him the times. He sprung up and jumped into his closet. He came out wearing black leg killing jeans with another oversized beige sweater that said 'immortal asshole' Nice babe. But what really caught my attention were his dark purple boots. Each step sounded like thunder. That or it was raining outside. I got up and pulled some light torn blue jeans, a white T and my parka and converse. ((Sorry I just love dressing them up like aesthetic kings)) Tweek smiled and we walked out of the room to see the guys all dead on the sofa and floor. "Hey! It's 7:56!" Tweek yelled. They murmured okay. But within a second of realization they all jumped up and got their shit together. I smiled and walked back upstairs to check on Karen. I knocked softly on the door waking the four kids up. "Yo time to get up for school." They all groaned and threw pillows at me but got up walking downstairs. I walked down after them and met up with Tweek.

All of us finally made it to the bus stop and waited. When it came we all boarded it. I was walking Tweek hand in hand till I felt him get snatched away. I was about to get him back but as soon as I stood up the bitch driver told me to sit down. I muttered profanities and glared at Tucker.

Tweeks POV

I got on with Kenny, we were walking to the back like usual but someone pulled me into the seat. Kenny noticed but got told to sit down, so I was fucking stuck. "Why'd you do that? Where's Thomas?" I asked Craig. "He's not here, and I wanted to talk to you." He replied. "Ok then talk." "I'm sorry Tweek, I didn't mean to go off on you like that last night" I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said anything.." "no, no dude I still shouldn't have been an ass like that.." I shrugged "it's okay" he smiled and gave me a hug. I hesitated but hugged back. "Friends?" He asked. "Friends." I smiled.

The bus came to a halt and people started exiting. "See you later Tweekers" Craig said. Before he walked off he pecked my cheek and flicked off Kenny. Kenny got pissed and was about to chase him but I took ahold of his jacket. He swung his head at me with confusion. I just smiled and kissed him, intertwining our hands. I felt him calm down and we started walking to class. "Hey ken"
"Hm?" "I love you" he grinned and squeezed my hand. "I love you too bean"
We walked to class and sat, prepared for a dreaded hour of history.

Ayyy hope ur enjoying this shit!
Song: Enemy by Olver Tree & Whethen

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